Anyone else having issues with Honorbuddy having login issues? I was logged in running BGBuddy and it asked for my login, then persisted to say Auth Failed repeatedly for a while. Now it is just sitting at "Logging in..." I verified my key and everything in the auth system again to make sure they didnt get changed again or something.
seems to be a problem with whatever server handles the session management. I can't open the sessions page. Log On - Buddy Auth Portal
Same thing here. Started a few minutes ago. I looked at my sessions listed under the Buddy Auth page, but that errored out.
The Authentication Server is down, since 10h30 this morning. =>
What worries me is seeing..... [08:40:09.263 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.7094.573 started. [08:40:12.695 N] Logging in... [08:40:12.956 N] Invalid product key! [08:40:12.993 N] Authentication failed!