I am very new to this I could use some help. I am trying to use GB2, I downloaded to my desktop 2 profiles but when I try to load profile I have 2 choices. 1 search web or use recent. Recent non existent as I haven't loaded any. and choice 2, I double clicked the profile I DLed it opened a EXP window I copied that URL pasted it but nothing I don't really know where to go to get profiles which ones are safest and how to implement into GB2. any help would be cool. I would only use it while I am at or near computer I don't want banned this is 1 of 2 accounts I have and don't want to lose it. I know this is risky but Im willing to take small chance. PS I am on US server if that helps
You're going to kick yourself, but if you actually -click- where it says load profile (and not the dropdown arrow), you can load the profile from your harddrive.
Im stupid haven't tried that, thanks and yes I will kick myself. It hurt but I managed to kick myself. I clicked profile and loaded it ding ding ding it works. Most times I'm too lazy to reach all the way to the end of the bar to click the actual arrow I'll click in the area of it, if it doesn't work ill hit the arrow then. I didn't do that this time as all the other dropdown arrows need to be hit right on the arrow. Thanks again. I'm going to try it out for a bit see how she works.
i'm gathering like before, but only with 30-minute randomized profile right now there are 9 toons online: 2 of them are Questing (<lvl80) 6 of them are GB2 - Random Profile - JF/KL/VOTFW - 12/7 - Break each Hour - 10 days in a row 1 is a experiment how long you can last using Randomized Profiles - i think that one is supposed to be banned soon xD - 18/7, random profile, jf/votfw - running the 5th day already
Personally I was banned in a ban wave a few months ago, stopped for a couple months and then used another account I already had a 90 on. As soon as I got it to 600 mining and herbing it was banned within 24 hours of starting farming. Given I made ~800,000 gold before being banned on the first account and believe that they flagged my bnet. So I plan on starting again soon but I plan to create a new bnet account along with the wow account to take out all prior variables. There is a variety of reasons that people bot for long hours. Like drogo already stated he uses it for income. Personally I do it for the thrill. I love botting for long hours see how much I can test the boundary's. In addition I love the massive amounts of gold I make from it (I don't even play the game anymore but I still love having obscene amounts of gold!) A few months and only 50,000 gold is very little to a lot of people. I used GB2 for 3 months and earned 800,000. Making only 6.25% of what I use to make would simply be depressing.
Been gathering since the Gatherbro was released, will never touch GB2 again. I find it to be a extremely well written program. Yes you can still get banned but with the randomization it uses, it is a much smaller chance.
GB2 now features the same randomization Feature. Without a good random Profile GatherBro is useless as well as Gatherbuddy, it might take a little bit longer but will result in a Ban pretty sure I took all of my Bots are offline since patch, dont trust the new opcode - will watch the Ban Resports Forum closely now
I got toons to support and these few days without HB have already eaten up a big chunk of my coffers so I'm going back to botting. @Phelon Thought advertising was a nono, thats your reason for the cost of your profiles at least.
You could always randomize nodes. There's a little thing for how much you want to randomize it now but it doesn't seem to work.
Thanks but I will stick with randombuddy, much better concept - randomizing your waypoint makes no sense in my point of view cause it's the nodes that gets tracked and not the path you walk
Botting all the time with randbuddy plugin. Big credits to Piotr55. I am botting 7-8 hours during the day. 6am to 9am, 2-3 hours break and 12-5pm> I am at work from 7am to 3pm and I am checking my toon every ~15 minutes if everything is ok. Sometime I got whisp. It is ok to reply- looks legit for Blizz. Best regards,
well, this toon is still up, but i must say that i reduced the botting time 1st week 16/7 2nd week 12/7 3rd week started on wed. -> running now 10/7 i also rolled this out to all my other toons, no bans so far! in my optionion there must be several checks like this: -) LCP -> beat! -) online time check -> can only beat by beeing not greedy -) daytime pattern -> same as above, i try not to bot when normal humans normally sleep -) player reports -> no way to avoid these, but i run that giwin player reports plugin to know why i was banned if it hits me