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  • BG Buddy Problems

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by ac304104, Jun 4, 2013.

    1. ac304104

      ac304104 New Member

      Apr 4, 2013
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      I have noticed that BG Buddy is running very poorly since Blizz cursed us with these patches. I watch my character run for 50 or so yards then stop, sometimes turn completely around and backtrack 10 or 20 yards then turn around and head on its original course. At times, the bot will run to some seemingly random spot in the middle of the BG and just stop there and stand. I'm using a clean install, BG Buddy Botbase, Singular CC, no extra plugins that aren't bundled with the release. I've even tried deleting the mesh and letting it download fresh to no avail.

      It's quite frustrating because the performance is significantly less than what I am used to with BG Buddy. Up until 5.3 hit my warrior would crush anything in it's path and always be on point in accomplishing objectives, but I just watched it run an AV where despite not dying, and only fughting two different players, it still couldn't make it all the way to the enemy base before the game ended. It seemed to get especially hung up at the beginning of the BG (paused for a good 6 seconds while my whole team was running out of the base), around the northernmost horde GY (Iceblood I think, it was just running in circles for a good 30-40 seconds before it moved on). The performance seems worse in some BGs than others (new one especially) but for now I only have a log with a couple of AV runs).

      The attached log shows the last two AV battles I did, both with a rather lackluster performance by BG Buddy.

      View attachment 5864 2013-06-03 23.25.txt

      90 Orc Warrior, BG Buddy, Singular, no third party plugins
    2. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      theres nothing we can do, the bot is working, and there's nothing obviously wrong with it that would cause those issues. ill link it to our devs and ask them to check the logic but at this time there's nothing i can do.

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