So through some hard work I've finally got my honorbuddy to function.... However, it's not reliable enough to leave unattended for an hour or two. I haven't done much exploring into specific profiles for certain functions, but I'm getting problems using the standard "BGBuddy" profile. Regardless of what character I am on after anywhere from 1-3 hours of the bot running smoothly, I either get an honorbuddy error to which i have to cancel out and restart both wow and the bot, or my character will suddenly stop and my log spams "Your level 90 Tauren Enhancement Shaman build is." This happens at a completely random time. I won't be able to simply click stop and start to kick it back up again. I must restart honor buddy and relog onto my character. I'm having trouble tracking the problem. Should I dig further into other profiles that don't hit this problem or change preferences within wow or the bot? Thanks!
Character Build Spam it spams the log so i'm unsure how much you'll be able to see... This has happened consistently, whenever I use it. this is how i have to restart or stop it. It happens very frequently with my priest for some reason. Thanks for all the help
the big problem that im trying to address is with the bot. wow will stay open but at any given moment the bot will stop functioning and spam that message - depending on the character i'm on. when im on my shaman, for example, it reads: "Your level 90 Tauren Enhancement Shaman build is." this will spam my log until i cannot read any other functions that have taken place previously. however, the bot doesn't exactly crash or timeout. it just does not function. i can't get the bot running unless i close it all out and reopen it and relog on my character. if i restart the bot without logging out it will spam me again. if i don't restart either it spams me. if i relog and don't restart the bot it spams me. its very odd.
try downloading the latest version of singular from here. hopefully that should resolve the issue.
i've successfully replaced my singular folder but now my log reads that "i have not selected a valid instance of wow to attach to........ this version of honor buddy only support wow build #16992
WoW has been patched. Please wait for a new release and open another thread with a log attached if you get another error.
Explanation here: HelpDesk: You have not selected a valid instance of WoW to attach to! Status here: [Official] Honorbuddy Update Status for Build #17055 Thread closed. cj