On coruscant atm and all it wants to do is run to a back corner area and sit there, i'll manually move it to a quest area or just out of the in general and it just runs back there anyway. Any ideas? Or is there a better profile I can use? I know swtor resources seem to be limited probably due to lack of players but assistance would be appreciated =)
check the coordinates of the quest it is on. I know a couple places in coruscant the meshes are broken or the profile misses a speeder hop. For instance, when you are in the main city area, it goes to start the next quest w/o taking a speeder. you have to manually move it there.
If you're on Coruscant I'd bet money that your quest is in another district and the bot isn't at a part in it's coding that it is being told to use a transporter. The bot isn't smart enough to use transports just in it's every day movement... Try moving your bot to the appropriate district and resuming? Just realized JNP beat me to this. Womp, Womp.
I also found, that sometimes it uses the correct meshes but hasn't taken the necessary quest items of the previous questpart. On coruscant.
You will have to babysit the Questing profiles. There are lots of little bugs such as, it won't accept a reward, it gets hung up on an area which it will always run back to that corner unless you manually finish the quest. Some other things like missing items to enter areas, not equipping certain items. I've just been babysitting it. I think buddywing can see certain areas that aren't on the map in that area so it just walks into walls sometimes, it's the same with looting chests. If a lootable body falls off an edge and you can't get to it but the light still is beaming up the bot will just stand there.