hi I have been having a lot of trouble with this bot recently, its like I get a problem I ask for help I do what im told then it stops working again, I normally manage to find a way around to get it working this time like delete the cache and all that but this time it isn't working http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/1263/hb3.png this is a screen shot of ingame of what happens my toon just stands there View attachment 3904 2013-06-09 15.31.zip here is my logs, please just give me advice on how I can get this fixed I love this bot and ill keep on buying it but I just want these problems fixed. thanks
yea, that quest is bugged. have to this quest manualy for now i guess. i had same problem a week ago on 2 new characters i leveled on a new realm.
I have another question when im doing grinding, it like stops me sometimes because its trying to picklock stuff? how do I stop that?
I figured it out and its working desgnow thank you, and also thanks a lot to thebrodieman and cici thanks a lot