I do the same stuff I do when the bot is up, which is life, lol I really thought that was the point of having the bot in the first place.
Try to motivate myself to level by hand. Quit about 15 minutes into leveling. Head to the forums to see if http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...l-honorbuddy-update-status-build-17055-a.html has been updated. Hit the WoW forums up to see what the sheep are doing. Head to the steam store for the 100th time today to see if anything I want is on sale. Head over to netflix look endlessly for something to watch. End up watching something I've already seen. Play some CS. Pretty pathetic but the bot really makes WoW fun for me. Without it, I probably wouldn't be playing WoW half as much as I do now if at all.
What this guy said lol. If i'm ever not out, i'll be at my apartment studying or eating, and if not that im most likely watching some anime.
Doing the same stuff I do every time. Study for the forkin engineering finals. I die learning 8 hours every day. -.-
Answering/Closing all the thread where the kiddies go enrage because the bot is down and they think updating is always something which can be done in 2 minutes
Aim, shoot, reload! Well, and play my long time abandoned guitar, of course. I bet my neighbors will be moaning about HB being updated as well xD
I'm trying to get rid of the mark i have on my forehead coz of all the facepalming i did while reading the forums. Anyway, what I was doing: Going to work, visiting a few friends, going to sleep.
I take 30 - 35min to peel my a$$ from my computer chair, slowly open the blinds to my office (not to fast as to blind myself), then get scared because the sun is so bright, re-close the blinds again because I just can't handle it, check mmo-champion, check HB Forum, repeat the latter two for roughly 2-3 days. Then, if HB isn't updated by then I finally give up and go hang out with my wife...
I do everything i normally do with the bot: Raiding, ToT Dailies, Barrens weekly and capping CP. BUT! I also spend alot more time playing the AH, as many mats will go up in price = massive profit from all the botted mats i've stockpiled from AH when the mats was low demand. So thank you farmers for making me easy gold