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  • It's all good. Iv'e had a change of heart for HB's service

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by elegantp, Jun 13, 2013.

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    1. elegantp

      elegantp New Member

      Nov 27, 2012
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      I posted a few rants about HB's lack of customer service. I bitch about the little fan boys belittling other users for asking questions. It's all good now. I understand. All it took from the service staff was to explain, in a bit more detail, what was taking so long for an update. The developers are dealing with this "tripwire" garbage. If they did not take these steps carefully, all our precious accounts would get banned in a heartbeat. I want to tank the HB staff for giving me this little tidbit of information. it helps to educate your customers in detail rather than just saying "we're working on it as fast as we can."
      As I have stated in another post, if you're looking for an alternative to HB, please save yourself some time and money. I've tried every single alternative program I could find. They all suck bawls compared to HB. The free "PFC" or whatever it's called doesn't work anywhere near HB's routines. Noob bot, and the others all blow monkeys as well. I assure you that these other programs are not taking the steps to avoid detection that the HB team is doing for you right now.
      Please trust me on this, just sit back relax, masturbate a bit, do whatever. Just wait until the HB team makes it safe for you again.

      To the HB staff and moderators; Chinajade is your best asset! This moderator explains things in a necessary language for all us customers. As far as the other moderators *cough* Tony *cough* I believe you need to stop closing threads and let your customers rant a bit out of frustration. It makes them feel better to get their voices heard. Yeah it's a pain in the ass to listen to all the crap that spews relentlessly about the same crap over and over again, but let it go man. It makes people feel better.

      To all you little fan boys out there flaming other customers; Get a life. Buy a life. Rent a life. Just go find one. Calling someone an idiot, a noob, or whatever doesn't solve any issues. I think you need to suk your mommies teats a bit more. Some of us customers have legit questions. You need not tell them to " go die" just because you think you're somebody special. You're nothing. You're a tool. Help some people out or go lick your Bieber doll.

      Thank you, my 2cents
    2. willowdreamf

      willowdreamf New Member

      Apr 24, 2013
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      ^^This is the EXACTLY how I feel 100%. Couldn't have said it better myself. I NEVER post complaints and enjoy and love HB, I wait patiently in the wings for devs to update and will come to the forums time to time during an update to see whats happening- but *cough* Tony *cough* shows little respect for any of your customers, and has more than once offended me with how he offends customers.
    3. akalt89

      akalt89 New Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      Now I usually stay very quiet during all the downtime myself, but I decided I would comment on this one. I have been botting since Burning Crusader in the Glider days and switched over the Honorbuddy promptly when available.

      I have watched many flame HB over the years of taking too long to update the bots, and in turn watched the "forum police" call the all varieties of names because of it.

      Why not let people vent if they are irritated or upset? Writing your feelings down is know as a great coping mechanism, as is having someone hear them. Through forums people can get both. So please "forum police", if you really want people to stop raging on forums, leave them alone. Now if you are wanting to cope about it, make your own thread instead of adding fuel to the fire.

      As for the reason people are usually upset, Elegantp hit the nail on the head. Knowledge is our best ally to anger. Moderators, just tell your customers why its being held up and they will be fine with it. Heck, I honestly think you could say, "Sorry all, I had a late haircut appointment, and I didn't get around to it till just now," and the community would just be happy they are in the loop.

      Now do you have to keep us in the loop? Well of course not. But, I really do think it would improve your customer base.

      Just my 2 cents. : )
    4. bambam922

      bambam922 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      "Forum Police" checking in.
      Threads very quickly get out of hand with our users.

      It wears you down after a while of hearing
      "I paid for this bot, why isn't it updated immediately after a patch?"

      Very rarely is there ever any civil discussion.

      There are open threads where you can talk about it, and even make your own.
      But I will close/delete it when it gets out of hand.
    5. Botanist

      Botanist Banned

      Oct 20, 2010
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      Excellent, proof of evolution. I think BamBam922 falls into this category as well. Seriously mods, show a lil compassion. It doesn't take much longer to answer a question than it does to copy/paste a link we have all seen 12 million times.
      Last edited: Jun 13, 2013
    6. elegantp

      elegantp New Member

      Nov 27, 2012
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      I find it a tad bit interesting how the "fan boys" as i call them, don't get the needed attention of the ban hammer as much. I'd like to see their comments scrubbed from existence. I understand it gets a bit tiring reading the same crap over and over again, but it does indeed make your customer service base feel better if they get it off their minds. They may even find a little bit of support. (which is what we all really need.)
    7. leetdemon

      leetdemon Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I agree with the first part you said but to call people fan boys because they are being realistic and you are being overly pushy is not really fair. A legit question is not when will the bot be up every damn time the bot goes down. The answer will always be the same...the bot will be up when its fucking ready to be up and not before then. So instead of insulting people telling them to get a life calling them a crybaby who needs moms teats look in the mirror.
    8. zbikksmash

      zbikksmash Banned

      Sep 24, 2011
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      This is the most fascinating post I have ever read ty for taking the time to put it in terms that HB and all the haters can understand. I was one of those that received personal messages being called names that really didn't mean anything to me and then saw my post was removed because of a few swear words that only went towards the haters and no one else. but to say anything I think its good for others to post there thought some might not have the mental capacity to put it in a way that doesn't break a few forum rules but seriously let them speak. as long as it doesn't get out of hand I see no harm. I sit back and wonder why post are removed and the only thing I can come up with is that dev. doesn't want to bother with some of the logical questions that are put a little more blunt then the guy who started this post. so ty great work here about time someone spoke up.
    9. elegantp

      elegantp New Member

      Nov 27, 2012
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      I'm sorry you personally felt insulted. perhaps you're the type of person I was talking about? Don't take it personally though. My post about "fan boys" was targeted at those who choose to tell people to "go die" "look in the mirror" and such. Other than that, please take my advice.
    10. zbikksmash

      zbikksmash Banned

      Sep 24, 2011
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      Oh no its the other way around I loved your post it hit me right in the face I was one of those that was being told to die because I was ranting about all the down time I just wanted to say thank you for putting it in words that simple minded people can understand
    11. elegantp

      elegantp New Member

      Nov 27, 2012
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      Thank you. But my comment was directed at "leetdemon" as in the quote. Nothing to do with you bud. I am merely a simple minded customer as well.
    12. Nab

      Nab Member

      May 31, 2010
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      Personally I feel that every single thread where anyone complains even the smallest bit about an update taking too long, should be removed entirely, and not just locked.

      It's very frustrating to come to these forums looking for information and having to scroll through 10 pages of 'OMGWTF WY U NO UPDATE USUKKK'.

      EDIT: Oh and this: If you don't trust the developers enough to have valid reasons for not posting an alpha/beta/release version before they feel comfortable with, why use something that's made by the same people you don't trust?
      Last edited: Jun 13, 2013
    13. zbikksmash

      zbikksmash Banned

      Sep 24, 2011
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      its people like you who ruin good post
    14. b1nary

      b1nary New Member

      May 19, 2013
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      So me bot doesn't work... help?

      Joking aside... While I'm new to botting we wouldn't all be using HB if it wasn't the best option out there on the market. Take your time and get it right... your efforts are appreciated by the vast, silent majority.

      As for customer service... it's far better than Blizzard' and we pay them a lot more each month.
    15. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      thread closed
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