Since bot isn't working i am doing this: #1: Buy mass haunting spirit: 6k with /2 channel or 7k at the auction house when i don't want to lose time #2 Craft Haunted Steel Greathelm: 8 haunting spirit - 6.5k medium price so 8 living steel - 0.5k in a very bad day (crafting my own with 7 alchy chars) Spirit of harmony - 0 g, bot Cost: 8*6.5 + 8*0.5 + 0 = 56k Sell: 78k at the AH Profit: 78*0.95-56=18k Yesterday i sold one 30min after i put it at the AH, put another this morning and see that it is already sold so i can make more profit with a selling price of 90k when i see other players put them at the AH at 125k... Funny because at the beginning of the patch Helm was nearly impossible to sell for me and i was like : "if people don't buy them now they will never buy them because they will have more and more stuff from Raid", i was WRONG Also have blacksmithing on 8 chars and i do my daily Lightning Steel Ingot so that's now 8 weapons sold 35k each since the patch is out = 280k with 8 click per day. Doing PL for gold challenge too, 180k divided between 4 guys = 45k Doing PL for "Glory to the XXX raider" for their mount with 3 customers Selling Invincible and other end expansion mount for 1M divided between 9 when it's still in a 100% droprate Farming mass netherweave cloth to craft bags Crafting mass blue cloak > disenchant them for Ethereal Shard Selling heirloom enchant Selling alliance pet to horde AH, horde pet to alliance AH Sometimes farming transmog gear you can find at AQ, very easy to drop and awards 4k Doing herb/ore stock before a patch when botters can't farm to sell ore at a good price (x2 than normal) Read patch, see what i can farm (pet, enchant, profession changes) to sell them as soon as the patch hit realms to sell shit like Alani / pet at their higher price. Dungeon farm for cloth/sell green/gold Depends of my mood Herb/ore selling takes too much time: you can't sell what you have farmed in one day and you lower the market price so i would say gathering is the worst method for gold. Same for all lost cost items in general: too much quantity to sell. I prefer by far very high selling price items than mass selling. I let other botters undercut.
flipping at ah is the quite best way because it does not need any expanions, or stuff. you can do it with a SoR account (when u use Guild Bank) so you have very less financial effort to make gold. Welcome! - Auction House Statistics is the site i use for ah-flipping
duping makes you the bigest amount of gold in shortest time , hands down . since patch 5.3 its been insane. ever wonder why theres 50 x vendor water on ah for 999 999g? and they actually sell ? weird aint it? guess this post is gonna be deleted same as my previous post on this subject.
i had some money laying around on my paypal account, from the last sale of gold i had :S.. just spent it all by buying gold for .21 us /k and sold it to a mate for .70 pr k .. that's what friends r for!
Doubt both of you will have that gold for long you know how fast they ban people who have had duped gold on them yeah you prob don't....
I'm still making at least 10k a day from herb/ore gathering and CODing them all, 3 accounts 4-5 hours a day each
havn't been banned so far (from selling possibly duped gold).. and i sold 350k to my mates, and 250k to my guildies! made me a 287$ profit... which im satisfied with, more money for pizza and vodka
ban inc soon ! Yeah that dupe fucks everything up, Blizz doesn't give a shit. Most players don't know about it.
Where the heck can you buy gold for under $1.1+ per 1k/g? Been looking around for a legit site/seller.
Well ownedcore you might be able to get it for that price check people with high feedback but yeah prices are pretty high if you have to buy gold and you're not a reseller.
Agreed. Personally I mine/herb and flip spectral tigers. Flipping tigers is difficult work but the return is always 6 figures if done right.
It really depends on what you're good at and the risks you feel like taking assuming you're planning on using the bot to make gold somehow. I can personally play the AH and make thousands every day if I just sit there analyzing with my spreadsheets open, but the bot isn't that analytical yet I'm afraid. Just see what your servers demand is with these categories, rank them, then just keep a narrow table of variety for the top 2-3. If people want it, it will sell.
AHBuddy I assume with a pretty tight config. Probably combined with some TradeskillMaster for price settings. I haven't done it, didn't find a way to set it up properly. I'm using salesman for all of my bankers/AH bots but I can't get flipping done. Would also love some insight.