Iblis - The Multi-Spec Shaman CC And Resto Healbot Version 1.3 - 9-9-10 - Happy Birthday DreamCast What is this? This is a Multi-Spec Shaman CC for honorbuddy Version and up Currently this CC will only Support Higher level shamans with that have the spell Totomic Recall, lower level support will be coming but at this stage is unsupported. this CC will run fine in battlegrounds as both Elemental and Enhancement and has been tested to do so. How do i install it? Unzip the zip file you downloaded and move the entire folder continence and all to Honorbuddy/CustomClasses/ Make sure you dont have any other Shaman CC's installed. Anything Else i need to know? The Healbot Portion of the CC will be Activated based on spec, and is recommended to be used with the InstanceBuddy Addon. Settings... because of the way the settings are setup here are an explanation for some of the settings that might be confusing. ChainHealHits - the Number of players standing within 10 Yards that have Less Health then number defined in ChainHealHitHP, and should never be set higher then 4. - Recommended 1. ChainHealHitHP - is the HP percent of the person standing next to your target. and should be set to High to allow a chain heal to be cast, chain Heal will only be cast if the person standing next to your target is below this number. - Recommended Value 95; ChainHealHP - The HP Percent of the healbots Current Target. if the Player is less the X percent, it will consider casting chain heal, then check if ChainHealHits, and ChainHealHitHP is fulfilled before Casting Chain Heal. UseEarthShield - This will allow the Healbot to EarthSheild on the Tank, or if in an battleground the Current Following Target. ManaPercentCastLightingShield - This Value is the mana percent for casting Lighting Sheild, this value should be set high, so when you have lots of mana, you can do more damage. Recommended Value 80 ManaPercentCastWaterShield - This Value is the Mana Percent for casting Water Shield, this value should be set low, so regain mana while in combat. Recommenced Value 40 What if i find a bug or something doesn't work? I need you to fill out the Following Form. and Include a Full Log as an attachment to this can be done by making a new Reply, Clicking on Advanced then Clicking on Manage Attachments. and uploading the Log from your Honorbuddy/Logs/ directory. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- What Where you doing when the Problem Occurred? - Be Specific. How Ago did you start experiencing the issue? Are you able to Reproduce the issue? If so then how? Have you Tried another profile? or Disabling plug-ins and Addons? What Mode are you runnning the bot in? EX: Grind, Quest, Raf Combat Assist, PVP Other Comments: ------------------------------------------------------------------- All Issues must be be submitted with the form, or they will be ignored. Thank you, CodenameG
ima give this a test on my 77 resto shaman in bg's hope thats supported i noticed you said resto is suggested to be for instance buddy
A general note: the bot pursues a fleeing target forever. Maybe add an option to stop running after a mob after 10 seconds (or so)? Oh yea, and thanks for the effort in creating this, much appreciated
using this as a shaman healer for random instances, working good i watch the bot while surfing the web and working on a few projects. this is working great! im going to see if i can get my wifes pally a tank set and use her character to run this character thru instances lol
hello, what are the other healing recoments? what value lesser heal and stuff ... i set lesser to 90 and normal heal to 80 .. and the chainheal like you described .. but he cast the most time lesser healing .. also when the char has lesser life ?! thanks for the cc .. works like a charm (tested ele / enh /and now resto) sincery spud
What Where you doing when the Problem Occurred? - Healing in an instance with instancebuddy How Ago did you start experiencing the issue? from the start of using the cc Are you able to Reproduce the issue? every fight If so then how? start healing Have you Tried another profile? or Disabling plug-ins and Addons? its just empty profile, one plug-in instancebuddy, yes same thing What Mode are you runnning the bot in? EX: Grind, Quest, Raf Combat Assist, PVP - Grind Other Comments: By stoping hb comes the error as you can see in the log.
Cheers for this mate, is there a way to tweak the priority/aggressiveness of self healing in combat? My Ele Shaman tends to favor dying rather than healing itself. Can I change this somewhere within the source? Ah NVM got it - elemental.cs - updated: {new SpellPriority("Healing Wave", 100), unit => SpellManager.CanCastSpell("Healing Wave") && Me.HealthPercent < 50}, {new SpellPriority("Lesser Healing Wave", 99), unit => SpellManager.CanCastSpell("Lesser Healing Wave") && Me.HealthPercent < 70},
Carrying on from my last post I've made a few more tweaks which has stopped my Shaman from dying - Before this I was dying frequently and was running to the next pull on low health. But since the changes I haven't died (4 hours and counting). elemental.cs: Code: private readonly Dictionary<SpellPriority, CastRequirements> _ElementalRotation = new Dictionary<SpellPriority, CastRequirements> { {new SpellPriority("Healing Wave", 100), unit => SpellManager.CanCastSpell("Healing Wave") && Me.HealthPercent < 50}, {new SpellPriority("Lesser Healing Wave", 99), unit => SpellManager.CanCastSpell("Lesser Healing Wave") && Me.HealthPercent < 70}, {new SpellPriority("Lightning Shield", 18), unit => SpellManager.CanCastSpell("Lightning Shield") && Me.ManaPercent > IblisSettings.Instance.ManaPercentCastLightingShield && !Me.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("Lightning Shield") && IblisSettings.Instance.useLightingShield }, {new SpellPriority("Water Shield", 15), unit => SpellManager.CanCastSpell("Water Shield") && Me.ManaPercent < IblisSettings.Instance.ManaPercentCastWaterShield && !Me.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("Water Shield") && IblisSettings.Instance.useLightingShield}, {new SpellPriority("Lava Burst", 30), unit => SpellManager.CanCastSpell("Lava Burst") && IblisSettings.Instance.useLavaBurst}, {new SpellPriority("Flame Shock", 40), unit => SpellManager.CanCastSpell("Flame Shock") && !Me.CurrentTarget.Buffs.ContainsKey("Flame Shock") && IblisSettings.Instance.useFlameShock}, {new SpellPriority("Earth Shock", 20), unit => SpellManager.CanCastSpell("Earth Shock") && !Me.CurrentTarget.Buffs.ContainsKey("Earth Shock") && IblisSettings.Instance.useEarthShock}, {new SpellPriority("Thunderstorm", 50), unit => SpellManager.CanCastSpell("Thunderstorm") && PlayersNear(1) && IblisSettings.Instance.useThunderstorm}, {new SpellPriority("Wind Shear", 55), unit => SpellManager.CanCastSpell("Wind Shear") && Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting && Me.CurrentTarget.Distance < 25 && IblisSettings.Instance.useWindShear}, {new SpellPriority("Lightning Bolt", 10), unit => SpellManager.CanCastSpell("Lightning Bolt") && IblisSettings.Instance.useLightingBolt}, {new SpellPriority("Chain Lightning", 12), unit => SpellManager.CanCastSpell("Chain Lighting") && WillChain(1, 100, unit.Location, false) && IblisSettings.Instance.useChainLighting} }; shaman.cs Code: public override bool NeedRest { get { if (eType == Shaman.ShamanType.Resto) { return false; } if (Me.HealthPercent < 70) { slog("Need Eat"); return true; } if (Me.ManaPercent < IblisSettings.Instance.DrinkAt && !Me.Buffs.ContainsKey("Drink!")) { slog("Need Drink"); return true; } if (Me.Mainhand.TemporaryEnchantment == null || Me.Mainhand.TemporaryEnchantment.ExpirationTimestamp < 60) { slog("{0} Needs Weapon Enchantment", Me.Mainhand.GetItemName().ToString()); return true; } return false; } } Code: public override void Rest() { if (Me.HealthPercent < 50) { if (CanCast("Healing Wave")) { CastNowSpell("Healing Wave"); } } if (Me.HealthPercent < 70) { if (CanCast("Lesser Healing Wave")) { CastNowSpell("Lesser Healing Wave"); } } if (Me.ManaPercent < IblisSettings.Instance.EatAt && !Me.Buffs.ContainsKey("Drink!")) { slog("Need Drink"); Styx.Logic.Common.Rest.Feed(); } if (Me.Mainhand.TemporaryEnchantment == null || Me.Mainhand.TemporaryEnchantment.ExpirationTimestamp < 60) { slog("Enchanting {0} with Flametongue Weapon", Me.Mainhand.GetItemName().ToString()); if (eType == Shaman.ShamanType.Resto) { CastNowSpell("Earthliving Weapon"); } else { CastNowSpell("Flametongue Weapon"); } } }
Hello @ first thx for the cc found this priest part in the healbot.cs Code: if (Me.Combat && Me.CurrentTarget != null && !Me.CurrentTarget.IsFriendly && CanCast("Shadowfiend") && Me.ManaPercent <= 60) { Log("Low on mana. Summoning Shadowfiend"); SpellManagerEx.Cast("Shadowfiend"); StyxWoW.SleepForLagDuration(); } please remove it thanks spud