Everytime my log says that. Been using 1-60 Horde profile. 4:03:09:93] ReadUInt at 0x16D18A74 failed. - From: Styx kohteessa Magic.SMemory.ReadUInt(IntPtr hProcess, UInt32 dwAddress, Boolean bReverse) kohteessa Magic.BlackMagic.ReadUInt(UInt32 dwAddress, Boolean bReverse) kohteessa Magic.BlackMagic.ReadUInt(UInt32 dwAddress) kohteessa Magic.BlackMagic.(UInt32 , Type ) kohteessa Magic.BlackMagic.Read[T](UInt32[] offsets) kohteessa Styx.Object_Dumping_Enumeration.WoWObjects.WoWUnit.get_CastingSpellId() kohteessa Styx.Object_Dumping_Enumeration.WoWObjects.WoWUnit.get_IsCasting() kohteessa Styx.Logic.Common.Combat.SpellManager.CastSpell(WoWSpell spell, Boolean returnImmediately) kohteessa Styx.Logic.Common.Combat.SpellManager.CastSpell(String name, Boolean returnImmediately) kohteessa Styx.Logic.Common.Combat.SpellManager.CastSpell(String name) kohteessa Khryses.Priest.Cast() kohteessa Khryses.Priest.Combat() kohteessa (Object ) kohteessa Styx.Logic.Common.Combat.CustomCombat.CustomCombat.Combat() [4:03:09:312] Not in game. [4:03:55:609] Error - sync2: ReadUInt at 0x16D18010 failed. I have looked couple other days log and this thing happens everytime little past 4 am
Tonight in EU our Servers restarted somewhen. Yesterday, too. We had BIG laggs in the evenings last 2 weeks.
maybe your internet provider disconnects you every 24h? some dsl-providers in germany (e.g. t-online) do so.
_Hausi, thats probably that. And yeah i have saw some really big lags. Hope this disconnect thing ends.. Its really fustrating when ur bot isnt running when you wake up.
Yeah 3 battlegroups went down for maintanence the last two nights in EU. Don't they realise they are screwing me over! I'm trying to get bot number 2 to 80 lol
well since it happened more than once i thinks Ilja Rogoff is right. If you don't have a static ip address you get disconnected every 24 hours, and since it happens at the same time every day, you should probably check your routersettings. I set my router to disconnect at 7am. thats the time when i get up and i can restart the bot. thats the easiest way. or you could use the relogger from the plugins section