hello. i have some ideas about mage. pls add choosing mage armors. arcane at now moment use frost armor... arcane altertime logic so bad. on burst must stuck 4 debuff, if possible see proc trinkets(if equipped Wushoolay's Final Choice, must wait proc), then push mana stone if you have Glyph of Loose Mana, racials, profession, Arcane Power, alter time(start timer 6sec and monitoring haste speed), used AB and AM if proc. if timer =>5 then cast barrage, use mana stone if mana <=85%(not tallented Glyph of Loose Mana.) cast AB and AM before mana <=75 then barrage and normal rotation.
sorry but u r wrong in more than one thing 1st - there is no constructor that calls CurrentCulture (this is exactly the part that i removed yesterday, which was added to fix the issue for another user and leads to the problem) 2nd - there is nowhere such a call (that's exactly why we tried to work around the issue by calling the Culture again to a format that has 0.5 as double format!) so we already removed all the workarounds for the 0.5 - 0,5 problem and it seems that the problem still exists, which is weird, cause i'm using purerotation with a german client (double format 0,5) and everything is working fine! *** Update *** Interrupts should be fixed, all classes with multiple interrupts do use only one at a time, not all they can use! *** Update 2 *** still looking at the crashing
yes, its broken. Clear setting and CompiledAssemblies still not working. View attachment 5888 2013-06-18 18.39.txt
this is a different error, that's not what we talked about, so please do not quote my answers when u have no crashing update your pure und u should be fine
Anyone have any Ideas on how to get Resto Druid to actually heal in Raids? I'm getting 14k HPS with 490 ilvl PR just isn't healing and I'm ending fights with 100% mana just not very effective
Consider this lines of code (CurrentCulture=RU-ru) Code: 5.5d.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) 5.5 Code: 5.5d.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) 5,5 now little bit of reflection Code: new System.Threading.Thread ( (obj)=> new Action<string>(PRSettings.Instance.SaveToFile).Method .Invoke(PRSettings.Instance,BindingFlags.InvokeMethod,null,new []{obj},CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) ) { CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture }.Start("C:\\Test.xml"); value saved in Test.xml will be 0.6 So, my point is there is no way change this behavior from outside of HB assembly, because lack of control of (de)serialization processes. Better ask devs how exactly Styx.Helpers.Settings.Save() and Styx.Helpers.Settings.Settings(string settingsPath) works.
this was already tried (in a different way, but it was tried with the previous attempt by adding a costum Converter for double values, wasn't working!) but thanks for pointing it out how it should work, i'm still looking at different ways what i tried atm - change CurrentCulture to en-US /en-GB for the whole assembly at runtime to force the Culture I WANT (didn't worked) - change CurrentCulture only for settings (didn't worked) - costum Converter which is applied to double value types (didn't worked) - ignoring all variants, replacing double value at initialization with program code (does not seem to work) i'll try the invoke method also ... tomorrow, which kicks in a bit later than currentculter override at initialization
Imho, that wont help much, you cant cotrol HB assembly culture in wich save and load methods locaed.Besides, threre might be logic in Styx.Helpers.Settings that makes Culture canges useless. Best workaround you can make is altering saved xml manually: load saved xml into XDocument\XmlDocument and rewrite double values with double.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture). Hope that helps. And again, sorry for bad english. Thats seems working fine (Reference to System.Xml needed) Code: internal class PRSettings : Styx.Helpers.Settings {... public void SafeSave() { base.Save(); new System.Threading.Thread ( () => { System.Xml.XmlDocument doc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument(); doc.Load(PRSettings.SettingsPath + ".config"); var node = doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("ThrottleTime"); double val = double.Parse(node.InnerText.Replace(",", "."), NumberStyles.Number, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); node.InnerText = val.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); doc.Save(PRSettings.SettingsPath + ".config"); } ).Start(); } ...} Note: PRSettings.Instance saved multiple times; ConfigurationForm.cs 329 and ConfigurationForm.cs 332
Indeed The only way I get it to work, is to redownload HB and do it all. But once I've "used" HB once, crashes occur on next start. Using Windows 8 Norwegian version. The message says something like: "input string have invalid format". Bad translation maybe .
Reluctant to give away too much information since it's Wulf who's working on this, and not sure what he wants to disclose at the minute, but it's definitely coming along. He's currently working on a system which calculates spell heal values (including co-efficients/buffs), then calculates mana cost vs heal value vs cast time to decide which spell should be used. These update as the fight progresses, so the more it casts, the more it 'learns' and adjusts. No more setting percentage values on when to cast spells.
Why dont you explain what this "Rotation Mode : Automatic, Semi, Hotkey Mode" is ? I dont know what it is or does ?
Automatic - Switches between single target / AoE mode when the unit count is equal to the setting value (AoE Count). - Will automatically use cooldowns when fighting a boss - No hotkeys work in this mode - Least control over routine Semi-Auto - Switches between single target / AoE mode when the unit count is equal to the setting value (AoE Count). - Hotkeys allow you to switch rotations/decide when to use cooldowns - Medium control over routine Hotkey Mode - Will only switch between single target and AoE mode when the hotkey has been pressed (ignores the setting) - Hotkeys allow you to switch rotations/decide when to use cooldowns - Most control over routine, but requires most attention
@Stormchasing, I see in the pala prot cs script the SotR has a rule to use it when HP reaches 5. but when I test it on dummy, it still use it on 3rd HP. Anyway I can change that? want to use pala for tonight's raiding. thanks~~