In game I think I ran into a botter, tried to keep a low pro on the chat but they acted like nothing was going on. We had the same route and bot/ character acted the same. [UPDATE] We are grinding lvl 53-56. Is that going to take a long time?
I keep it low Key, not like o hey fellow botter!!! Just trying to say hi. I wasn't making it clear ether.. But if It is going to be that way then I wont bother.. I just thought it wold of made it a little lets weird that we are on the same route you know. Grinding the same people back and forth.
Good idea and especially to post it here.... blizzard can view the forum you know lol. Alot of ppl use kick's profiles and it's nothing special saw dozens following same path lol.
i start with 'hey friend, this is crazy following each other, we must be using the same questing addons." their response will usually give it away.
theres lots of botters on here, if you wanna talk to someone just make a thread. no need to draw attention to yourself or them while they are botting.
Lol ask them how not to get banned and you will have a laugh for sure or I will. But like codenameg sayd everyone uses kick's profiles really and don't draw attention becouse if you do end up banned it's not funny for yourself.
i would say if u see that your following someone who is following the same path as u STOP and do something else as u will get court.
same thing happened to me yesterday we ran same path hit the same tree so logged out for an hour give that botter a head start
happened to me aswell, i only think its fair, if you see it, and you aren't sure if the other guy/girl have seen it, you just log out for like, half an hour or so, give the person some time to get ahead
me personally i dont wanna be contacted ingame they use chat logs in bans , also if i run across a fellow botter i may do a /wave but otherwise i keep going on about my OWN buisness
ohh god! because blizzard spends time and money to make supporters sit and watch EVERYTHING we write here down, not ONLY that! but they are also able to target out people who says "I'm grinding from 53-56 using the same profile as a fellow botter"... because he's the only player in that level range ^^ AND to make it even more of a pain in the ass.. EU/US/RUS/etc etc etc..
what i would do i would just ignore the other questbotter and keep moving on dont talk to them you can just go to settings in general turn off whispers battlenet whisper so u dont see any whispers
A few days ago i was leveling in hellfire. I was going on a path and started doing a triangle I stopped as soon as I started because i was watching. there was someone right behind me that was using the same profile, he was stuck in a triangle loop. I just message him and said "stuck bro" and stayed there tell he was unstuck... 3 people came up and said they was going to report him and I told them no need im waiting for a GM at the moment, the reply with "OK" and left. "No i did not report him" saved the guys ass though. Woot, post 69
thats why i monitor my bot accounts when it gets stuck i just unstuck it while im botting im playing xbox 360 and i cant wait for the ps4 with diablo3
I only bot when im doing school work. and I have 2 monitors and I always watch my bots. was hoping he had the plugin that would auto logout if someone was following him or wisp him