Im running this on my prot pala (with rested) hitting 4.8 million exp/h. Idd very impressive! no leveling gear (10%guild) Will leave over night!
Good work Mirabis Liv 86 Feral Druid 390 ilv. Tested it for some minutes and this came out. 5.9M exp/HR RESTED with normal HB singular combat routine. I've tryed it as balance too and only reached 3.8M exp/HR I will let it run for this night and report back tomorrow with a SS edit: Ok I have 2.8M exp/HR and 368 mobs/hr
solid profile, I increased the lvl up to 88 though. I'm not really in a hurry to lvl any of my toons , lots of trash/loot to sell
<MinLevel>85</MinLevel> <MaxLevel>88</MaxLevel> Copied this from the profile it should continue to level 88 when it says then ?
Thanks a million! This is so safe, holy fuck 3 Hours, 0 Death with poor/low gear. 3.9 Million XP/Hour as Protection Paladin.