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    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by aniketd, Jun 23, 2013.

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    1. aniketd

      aniketd New Member

      Sep 5, 2010
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      this is just from the LW trainer in SW to the tunnel going back to the main gate. It will free itself. Move a few ft and then spin in circles.. Once it cannot go into the tunnel... (again all on the road or the path) it will unstick itself. GO a few feet and then start again. It cannot/will not make the turn. This is the case with EVER tunnel and has been for about a week. I have spent over 7 hrs reinstalling and configuring and trying different things; today alone.

      No falling into anything or getting stuck on anything. IT literally JUST won't make the turn!
    2. Liferose

      Liferose New Member

      Sep 1, 2010
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      I would find it odd if that was a meshing issue, for such a common area. It would have been noticed and fixed by now. If you've spent 7 hours on this why couldn't you have just moved it out of the tunnels, or out of the city?
      These things should support lower level characters and ground mounts though, but it does seem like something is messing up somewhere along the line. Try running a profile in something that isn't GB2 or PB. Something that could get it to go through that tunnel.
    3. aniketd

      aniketd New Member

      Sep 5, 2010
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      Because I can't go afk! I have to sit and baby sit it. I might as well just be doing the actions myself right? just when I think it may be fixed because it goes through once... (but not again) i wake up and find that it has been spinning in this circle for 4 hrs. not actually doing anything. As u can see from the first zip file I uploaded.
      I AM new to botting but right now its costing me mental anguish at hoping and waiting for the solution to come along and it get fixed.
    4. osirislives

      osirislives Member

      Mar 2, 2012
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      What they are trying to say is start a different profile not using gatherbuddy or professionbuddy. Try running a questing profile, maybe even start it on the far side of the tunnel, so it has to go through it. WATCH it, should only take a few minutes to test; someone else could do it, but this seems to be an issue unique to you. For people to help you here, you gotta help us to help you... rather thamn demanding answers to things we can't see, or have more data on.
    5. Liferose

      Liferose New Member

      Sep 1, 2010
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      Diagnosing a problem will get you nowhere if you try the same thing over and over again. Did it work at all when it was outside of the city? I recommend trying a different CC from here.
    6. aniketd

      aniketd New Member

      Sep 5, 2010
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      as u asked before i did this... no change..

      I don't feel i'v demanded anything and i've NOT done the same thing twice in teh past 6-7 hours. but thank you for you tone.. I'm not an idiot. Nor am I mad at anyone.. Just frusterated this is unique to me and even more so that there does not seem to be a solution to this issue. I literally CANT farm bot. I dont' want to quest I want to farm and thats it.

      Having said that.. YES i've tried new cc's i've tried new profiles. several to no avail they all do the samething

      what do they have in common? HB
    7. Liferose

      Liferose New Member

      Sep 1, 2010
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      You have no way of telling my "tone" from words on a screen. I'm trying to help you diagnose the problem. There are different parts of HB that could not be working right, being able to tell what specifically is broken is part of the diagnosis. You can't use GB2 because it only supports flying mounts, so that doesn't tell us anything. Running PB a billion different ways might fix it, but what if the problem is PB itself? Running a Questing profie from kick's SVN for example will probably take a minute to find. If it runs through the tunnel then the issue is not with the bots ability to navigate. If the questing profile commenced to spin in circles, then it would probably not be PB's fault. Do you understand? I'm not a mod or dev of any sort, but diagnostics can be done unless one of them gives a glorified answer.
    8. aniketd

      aniketd New Member

      Sep 5, 2010
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      I am sooo sorry that was not to you.. that was to the post above yours.. I am very sorry. You have been doing your best underthe circumstances to help with the issue. I don't bite the hand that helps me. that was not to you.
      Yes I completely understand the process. And will do a leveling profile right now to test this.
    9. aniketd

      aniketd New Member

      Sep 5, 2010
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      so far it has NOT been a profile issue.. However, NOW I used a kick's questing profile with skinning. and it worked just fine.. So I will get with PB forums and start the whole process over again.

      thanks for all your help. and I may see you on the PB forums
    10. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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