Actually ele shammys doesn't use lighting bolt in pvp, they use chain lighting for fast stacking fulmination (they stack much faster even on single target) and bc that's hardly interapt + instant lavaburst procs. Lighting bolt can only be usable on 3v3 with mague / hunter, that's all. Thx, ele 2.5 was here
Ohh my goss. My wish finally come true. Thank you Alxaw. My main atm is Enhancement, was raiding ToT but got bored so i start pvp instead. I do 2's with a Tuanha partner (hunter, paladin). I'm excited so see how far can we get using 2 good rotations My experience atm is 1700+, not that great but will test it and give you my opinion/suggestion.
Sorry for the delay PvE'ers, but I will start working on it today Should be finished within the weekend hopefully.
This routine is light years ahead of purerotation. The rotation is almost perfect. The only thing I've noticed is that the routine will cast lightning bolts while in ascendance and will cast lightning bolts when when lava burst is off CD and while lava surge or whatever is up. Sometimes it will even cast two lightning bolts in a row when lava burst is off CD. I've also noticed that the bot will cast a few lightning bolts instead of applying a flame shock.
Fixed hopefully. I added some conditions to the lighting bolt filler, so now it waits until flame shock is on the target or if we don't have the lava surge proc. It should help regarding this. Added AoE rotation for testing. (Thundershock will arrive in a hotkey based form, and will take some more time) Enhancement is also fixed. There's a PvP setting toggle (ON or OFF) in settings, remember to bind your setfocus key in Key Bindnings (Default is F or G button unsure). If you want to heal an ally set focus on him If you want to dps an enemy set focus on him.
Added. To Do list --> Adding Hotkey press for Code: Healing Stream Totem Healing Tide Totem Thundershock (Elemental only) I'm open to almost all suggestions if they're good.
I'll test out the changes today. I am not to sure about this as well, Spell.Cast("Earth Shock", ret => LightningShield4Stacks && !NeedFlameShock), Is that to prevent using a gcd when we need to reapply flame shock? I thought we were supposed to do ES at a 6 LS minimum. Also, the routine could greatly benefit from some sort of me.ismoving type of thing. Some sort of check for ismoving && !Spell.SpellOnCooldown("Spirit Walker's Grace"); } && !Spell.SpellOnCooldown("Lava Burst"); } to cast lava burst while moving else fill with lightning bolt.
\\Elemental Shaman updates// Removed Earth Shock on 4 stacks. Added new lightning bolt cancel logic -> Cancels casting lightning bolt if it's under 50% of the current casting if we gain lava surge proc or lava burst is off cooldown. //Thanks storm! Added Lightning bolt on movement Lava Burst on movement will be added.
The enhance cr is amazing im pulling 100k dps with 481 ilvl and a heroic wep and no trinkets really...can't wait to be geared fully.
\\Elemental\\ Fixed issue where Earth shock got applied when flame shock was <= 4 seconds left Added movement for LB filler's on AoE Added SpiritWalker's Grace on SpecialKey (You have to move to this to trigger) Added Lava Burst on Movement (Proc only without Spiritwalker's grace, should cast LB's on cooldown when Spiritwalker's grace is activated)
Compiler Error: e:\Compressed\Honorbuddy 2.5.7094.573\Routines\Shammy\Interfaces\GUI\SH_Interface.Designer.cs(62,30) : error CS1061: 'System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid' ne contient pas une d?finition pour 'CommandsBorderColor' et aucune m?thode d'extension 'CommandsBorderColor' acceptant un premier argument de type 'System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid' n'a ?t? trouv?e (une directive using ou une r?f?rence d'assembly est-elle manquante*?) Compiler Error: e:\Compressed\Honorbuddy 2.5.7094.573\Routines\Shammy\Interfaces\GUI\SH_Interface.Designer.cs(65,30) : error CS1061: 'System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid' ne contient pas une d?finition pour 'HelpBorderColor' et aucune m?thode d'extension 'HelpBorderColor' acceptant un premier argument de type 'System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid' n'a ?t? trouv?e (une directive using ou une r?f?rence d'assembly est-elle manquante*?) Compiler Error: e:\Compressed\Honorbuddy 2.5.7094.573\Routines\Shammy\Interfaces\GUI\SH_Interface.Designer.cs(69,30) : error CS1061: 'System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid' ne contient pas une d?finition pour 'SelectedItemWithFocusBackColor' et aucune m?thode d'extension 'SelectedItemWithFocusBackColor' acceptant un premier argument de type 'System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid' n'a ?t? trouv?e (une directive using ou une r?f?rence d'assembly est-elle manquante*?) Compiler Error: e:\Compressed\Honorbuddy 2.5.7094.573\Routines\Shammy\Interfaces\GUI\SH_Interface.Designer.cs(70,30) : error CS1061: 'System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid' ne contient pas une d?finition pour 'SelectedItemWithFocusForeColor' et aucune m?thode d'extension 'SelectedItemWithFocusForeColor' acceptant un premier argument de type 'System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid' n'a ?t? trouv?e (une directive using ou une r?f?rence d'assembly est-elle manquante*?) Compiler Error: e:\Compressed\Honorbuddy 2.5.7094.573\Routines\Shammy\Interfaces\GUI\SH_Interface.Designer.cs(75,30) : error CS1061: 'System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid' ne contient pas une d?finition pour 'ViewBorderColor' et aucune m?thode d'extension 'ViewBorderColor' acceptant un premier argument de type 'System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid' n'a ?t? trouv?e (une directive using ou une r?f?rence d'assembly est-elle manquante*?) Compiler Error: e:\Compressed\Honorbuddy 2.5.7094.573\Routines\Shammy\Interfaces\GUI\SH_Interface.Designer.cs(359,27) : error CS1061: 'System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid' ne contient pas une d?finition pour 'CommandsBorderColor' et aucune m?thode d'extension 'CommandsBorderColor' acceptant un premier argument de type 'System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid' n'a ?t? trouv?e (une directive using ou une r?f?rence d'assembly est-elle manquante*?) Compiler Error: e:\Compressed\Honorbuddy 2.5.7094.573\Routines\Shammy\Interfaces\GUI\SH_Interface.Designer.cs(362,27) : error CS1061: 'System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid' ne contient pas une d?finition pour 'HelpBorderColor' et aucune m?thode d'extension 'HelpBorderColor' acceptant un premier argument de type 'System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid' n'a ?t? trouv?e (une directive using ou une r?f?rence d'assembly est-elle manquante*?) Compiler Error: e:\Compressed\Honorbuddy 2.5.7094.573\Routines\Shammy\Interfaces\GUI\SH_Interface.Designer.cs(366,27) : error CS1061: 'System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid' ne contient pas une d?finition pour 'SelectedItemWithFocusBackColor' et aucune m?thode d'extension 'SelectedItemWithFocusBackColor' acceptant un premier argument de type 'System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid' n'a ?t? trouv?e (une directive using ou une r?f?rence d'assembly est-elle manquante*?) Compiler Error: e:\Compressed\Honorbuddy 2.5.7094.573\Routines\Shammy\Interfaces\GUI\SH_Interface.Designer.cs(367,27) : error CS1061: 'System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid' ne contient pas une d?finition pour 'SelectedItemWithFocusForeColor' et aucune m?thode d'extension 'SelectedItemWithFocusForeColor' acceptant un premier argument de type 'System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid' n'a ?t? trouv?e (une directive using ou une r?f?rence d'assembly est-elle manquante*?) Compiler Error: e:\Compressed\Honorbuddy 2.5.7094.573\Routines\Shammy\Interfaces\GUI\SH_Interface.Designer.cs(372,27) : error CS1061: 'System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid' ne contient pas une d?finition pour 'ViewBorderColor' et aucune m?thode d'extension 'ViewBorderColor' acceptant un premier argument de type 'System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid' n'a ?t? trouv?e (une directive using ou une r?f?rence d'assembly est-elle manquante*?) Compiler Error: e:\Compressed\Honorbuddy 2.5.7094.573\Routines\Shammy\Interfaces\GUI\SH_PropertyGridExtention.cs(19,25) : error CS1501: Aucune surcharge pour la m?thode 'GetValue' ne prend d'arguments 1