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  • [Plugin] Rarekiller 3 RELOADED

    Discussion in 'Uncataloged' started by katzerle, May 19, 2013.

    1. ibiza

      ibiza New Member

      Jul 1, 2013
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      What I need to find camel figures? What profile to use? I have download plugin RareKiller 3.5 BETA which bot I need to use? GB2? And what profile? May be another settings? Thx for help:)
    2. kramjam

      kramjam New Member

      Jun 11, 2013
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      i am wondering this as well, i followed the instructions and even re read them about 5 times. My character just sits there and doesnt more or look for the figures,

      edit. Switched over to GB2, he seems to be mining as he is looking is this normal?
    3. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      I recommend turn of mining and herbing in Botsettings of Gatherbuddy2.

      For Camel Figurine use Gatherbuddy2 and a Profile of Uldum. I put one for Camel Figurines in the Folder Rarekiller/some Profiles, but note it this a public one of the Forum and the new LCP Detection can also hit you. Also if you are not farm ore or herbs. In the Forum you find some more Profiles for Camel Figurine or you can easy create your own with Zaprecorder2 (Pluginssection).
      I recommend to use your own Profile, not to fly around many hours and change this Profile from time to time to avoid getting banned.

      Rarekiller should work with the Default Settings and collect the Figurines, but to be sure you can open the Settingswindow of Rarekiller and take a look if the Checkbox "Collect Camel Figurines" is checked (Frontpage, Section Mounts)

      Sidenote to myself --> At a next step work on better instructions ;) including quick instructions for Camel Figurine and TLPD and some Pictures.
      Puuuhh, together with the ToDo List for MoP Things this mutates slowly to a fulltime Job :)

      Your Spells are working now?
    4. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Version 3.5 without Pandaria Mobs with a little Bugfix of the Wisper Alert
      Version 4.0 Beta to play around with the Pandaria Rares - Please read notes below:

      Because of a Big Party at the coming Weekend and some issues while testing, I can only upload a not fully tested preliminary Version of Rarekiller 4.0 Beta with MoP Rares. In the Gui you can see which parts of the Pandaria Rares are not working and which should work, well ... let me say it like this: which should work mostly ok for the Moment.

      I will continue working on the Avoidance Behavior at Tuesday next week. Till this you can take this Beta to take a look at the new GUI and if you want, to try it out (I recommend not AFK it). Some of the Rares with Lower Level are no Problem for good equipped Chars, even when the Char gets the special Ability Damage. Only Jinyu seems to be impossible to kill, because I don't get a avoidence to work for Rain Dance.

      The Button "Check all" will not check Jinyu (because you will surely die if hunting them) and Nal'lak the Ripper (because this is a flying Mob and the Bot pulls him midairs). If you want to test them, check the Boxes manually. The Bot will also not hunt Units in Houses or Caves. Therefor I had to implement a Landing Behavior first. But you can force the Bot pull them by dismount and then start the Bot in front of the House/Cave. But note: in a house he has Big Big Problems to avoid the special attacks!!

      Next Bad Thing is:
      The bot will pull the Rare but before this he will not kill the other Mobs surrounding the Rare. So he pulls the Rare within all other hostile Units around. I had to take a look at this and implement a "kill hostile Units around, first". Hopefully this is not to complex to realize.

      The other Things should work as always, only the Pandaria Part and some Parts of Dormus Fight are BETA in this Version.
      Please Note: I know especially the Parts of MoP are far far away from working perfect. I'm on it to put some more love in it:
      Next Things I will work on:
      • Landing Points and special Range Pull for inhouse Mobs to prevent fighting inhouse
      • Special Pull Behavior for Flying Mob Nal'lak
      • Better Behavior with special and complicated point calculation and navigation for better fleeing behavior. For example to avoid Crane Spinning Thing of Pandaren
        (at the Moment he only runs blind forward, so if there are Objects around him he will die)
      • Take another look at this f.... stupid Jinyu Rain Dance, again
      • Take a look at if it is even possible to Kill other Mobs around the Rare first ...
      • ... and, well, let me see what's coming up in the untested Parts.

      Changed Dormus Behavior:
      In this Version I also changed the Behavior if he found a right Camel Figurine and get ported to Feralas where Dormus spawns. I implemented that the Toon will walk to a special Point in Feralas till Dormus spawns or the DeBuff disapears, to avoid your Toon go back to Uldum to farm, if the spawn of Dormus lasts some seconds. Also he will now try to avoid the Camel Spit.
      This is not tested !! because I was not able to find a Camel Figurine to port me to Dormus. But I planning to make some theoretical Tests next Week.
      If you are not sure, simply take the old Version. But also there I wasn't able to test the behavior.

      If you want to help me:
      Let the Bot kill the Rares while watching it and then report everything to me what you note. Whats good, whats bad etc.
      I let the Bot dump some needed IDs from AOE-Pools etc to the Logfile during fights with Jinyu, Mogu Warrior and Dormus. So if you fight them I would be very happy to get the Logfile.
    5. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      For some of the Pandaria Rares the Toon needs a interrupt ability:
      • Pandaren to interrupt Healing Mist
      • Jinyu to interrupt Torrent

      I implemented this per default:
      <Spell Class = "Priest" Name="Silence" /> - only Shadow
      <Spell Class = "Mage" Name="Counterspell" />
      <Spell Class = "Warrior" Name="Disrupting Shout" /> - had to be skilled
      <Spell Class = "Hunter" Name="Silencing Shot" /> - had to be skilled
      <Spell Class = "Rogue" Name="Kick" />
      <Spell Class = "DeathKnight" Name="Strangulate" />
      <Spell Class = "Paladin" Name="Rebuke" />
      <Spell Class = "Shaman" Name="Wind Shear" />
      <Spell Class = "Warlock" Name="Shadowfury" /> - had to be skilled
      <Spell Class = "Druid" Name="Mighty Bash" /> - had to be skilled
      <Spell Class = "Monk" Name="Spear Hand Strike" />
      you find the Spells in the File Rarekiller/config/DefaultInterruptSpells.xml

      I only tested Shaman, yet, because he is the only good equipped char I have.
      So if the Bot should better use other Abilities to interrupt the Rares, please let me know.
      I only have practice with Shaman and don't know much about interrupt abilities of other Classes.
    6. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Known Issues with MoP Rares:
      • Pandaren - He will run blind forward to avoid Crane Spinning
      • Yaungol - He will run blind forward to avoid Bellowing Rage and Yaungol Stomp
      • Mogu Warrior - He will only run forward to avoid Devastating Arc. This only works correct if the Mob is facing your toon.
      • Mogu Sorcerer - Sometimes he runs through the AOE Voidclouds
      • Mantid - Avoiding the Tornado and additionally the Blade Flurry is nearly impossible, only hunt the small ones so he don't have to avoid several Tornados
      • Jinyu - Rain Dance will surely kill your toon. I was able to kill the 85 milliseconds before he was able to cast it

      • He will pull all Mobs around additionally to the Rare and often pulls some more Mobs while avoiding the Special Attacks.
      • He will fall from Cliffs or run in several Objects while avoiding the Special Attacks
    7. ibiza

      ibiza New Member

      Jul 1, 2013
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      My Rarekiller found camel but don't fly to it with error :
      Rarekiller Part NPC: Find Странная фигурка верблюда ID 50410Rarekiller Part NPC: Can't reach NPC because it is Indoors and I fly Outdoors Странная фигурка верблюда, Blacklist and Move on

      How to fix it?
    8. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      oh, indoor figurines are new. Did you see where the Figurine was
      I had to implement special landing behavior for them.

      Beside this I will change the sourcecode, so the Bot will also dump the Coordinates. I will try to realize it at the weekend.

      yours sincerely
    9. ibiza

      ibiza New Member

      Jul 1, 2013
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      I'm not sure where it was but NPCScan and Rarekiller start crying near this small temple I think it was there:)

      P.S. I have use profile from forum 97% camel points, how many times I can use it for safer? I don't want to get banned:(

      Attached Files:

    10. M3th0s

      M3th0s New Member

      Jul 11, 2012
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      So what profile should I be using for MoP rares?
      Thanks in advance
    11. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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    12. M3th0s

      M3th0s New Member

      Jul 11, 2012
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    13. Anarkyz

      Anarkyz New Member

      Sep 27, 2012
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      There are some profiles, which one is better for TLDP and Poseidus?
    14. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      I would prefer the one Spot Profiles:
      For TLPD this is Bors Breath You have 4 of the 5 Spawnpoints in reach with this Profile and the Bot will not fly around. He will stand still at one Position till something spawns. This (in my opinion) is nothing which will trigger LCP detection.
      For Poseidus there are 5 different Profiles in the Folder of Rarekiller, each for every Spawnpoint. I would change them randomly with the Plugin Profile Changer (see my Signature). Here also the Bot will not move around. He will swim to the Point of the first Profile, wait there 10-15 Minutes and then move to the next Spot (next Profile loaded by Profile Changer).

      By this it is possible to miss some spawns, but it is saver for your Account. If you don't care, I would prefer TLPD - safer Loop, because it doesn't fly over cliffs to prevent deaths. But here the Bot will fly round and round in Storm peaks. The Chance to miss the Mob is not so high, but therefor you can get on the Radar of Blizz, even if not gathering beside searching.
      For Poseidus, if you want a Profile swimming round and round you can take this: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...-525/49460-gb2-poseidus-herb-mining-farm.html
      And with a search in the Profiles section you find other Profiles for Vashijr, too

      little Update: Rarekiller 3.6 and Rarekiller 4.1 BETA
      I implemented that Rarekiller will dump the coordinates for every single Object and Mob he found.
      This is only for me, so I can implement underground object/mobs or fix objects/mobs where the Bot has problems easier.

      yours sincerely Katzerle

      PS: @Ibiza

      I would use the Profile only 1 Round (nonAFK) and then log off or make something else. Maybe several times a day, In the Morning before going to work, after work and before going to bed....
      Another Opinion is: Maybe use a clever setup together with the Relogger of HB. So Hb will log in every x hours and fly a round. The time for one round you can simply find out by try it out. And if you have the Time, invest it, to make your own Profile with ZapRecorder every 3-5 days. Also if you only record the same route several times the Hotspots will differ some meters.
      And beside this, spend some time to take a look at the Plugin randomBuddy or the new randomize settings of GB2.
    15. Aloise

      Aloise New Member

      May 30, 2013
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      For Poseidus there are 5 different Profiles in the Folder of Rarekiller, each for every Spawnpoint. I would change them randomly with the Plugin Profile Changer (see my Signature). Here also the Bot will not move around. He will swim to the Point of the first Profile, wait there 10-15 Minutes and then move to the next Spot (next Profile loaded by Profile Changer).
      And he stucks around nespira, bc here some zones when u gonna be dismounted, he just stay at one place and tryed to use mount(
      Same problem when randomize profiles disabled in ur plagin
      Today my rarekiller found true figurine
      And he use that
      And he was tpted int feralas
      BUT he didn't kill mob...
      I just was away from computer around 20 mins when that's happens...
      Here some logs
      I guess he just didn't move from spot after tp...

      Attached Files:

    16. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      It looks like he didn't even noticed that Dormus spawns.
      Oh, i hate Dormus as i hated Aeonaxx days ago. I hate if someone misses a Mount because of my Plugins...
      I need to write a Ticket to Blizz, that my Account gets the Ability to let the Rares spawn to test my Plugin.

      Could you say me where exactly do you found your toon? In the Water or under Water?
      A reason for your miss could be: Dormus spawns to far away (not in sight) so the Bot stands there. I changed some things in Rarekiller 4.1 BETA to avoid this, but have to make some theoretical tests with it.
      Next reason could be: He loads tiles and because of this makes nothing (don't know if he dumps this info to the Logfile)

      Maybe it helps to write e Noob ticket to Blizz. Something like: you find a thing, clicked it and get ported. And then you fly away because you don't know about Dormus... and maybe a GM could be so nice to port you back to the Dormus Area that you can beat him. Or the Bug Theorie: Dormus' Rage don't appear on your Toon.
    17. Aloise

      Aloise New Member

      May 30, 2013
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      I found it in water.
      Wrote ticket a little risky, bc it was a bot... and i didn't see what really happens.
      P.S. in this zone i can't fly, only ground mount... i just use HS away from here
      So, i wrote a ticket, and gm answer to me, what figurines generate by server, and buff from figurine, and he can't help me
    18. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Good to know that you can only use Ground Mount there.
      I'm on it, to change some more little things in the Dormus behavior of the 4.1 BETA and write everything possible to the Logfile.
      I will upload it tomorrow evening after the tests.

      If everything works correct then, the Char should swim out of Water after the Port with click to move (not with Navigator, because Navigator has Problems in Water) to a special Point on the Beach. And there he will stand and scan for Dormus till he spawns or the buff Dormus' Rage disappears.
      From this Point he should be able to have Dormus in sight as I see on the Videos. If he founds Dormus he will move to him with Navigator (= Groundmountmode), means he will not try to fly. So the Theorie sounds good, if this then will work better? I really can't say it for sure.
    19. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Version 4.2 BETA

      • After some Tests for Dormus Behavior this is the newest Version. Note: This is only tested on some testmobs in Feralas in the Dormus Area but it is the Best I can do for the Moment. Hopefully with this Version the Bot will not miss Dormus any more.

      @Aloise please also use the BETA Version. I can't garantee that it is working correct and you con't miss Dormus a second time, but it is working better then the normal 3.6 Version. In Theorie it works good.
      Well, now I will go hunting for this really ...... Camel Figurine myself to hopefully see my plugin is working correct ...

      Developing for MOP Rares will go on on Monday (I can not really develop much, while my childs run around my feet and this week they were at home)
    20. Aloise

      Aloise New Member

      May 30, 2013
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      Thank u. I will test it, and hopes when i found another true figurine i willn't go afk

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