Yeah, I did get that. More so I wanted to point out that with Tyrael, frame lock and TuanHA CR's, I can not even get 30+ fps sustained in LFR with my pc. Not TuanHA's fault per se. Is 10m so much less heavy for WoW/HB than LFR 25 man? Or do I state the obvious now
Well, I don't know if it's stating the obvious, but it at least has a tendency to it . For clarification: I have quite a lot of hardwarepower, meaning an i7 3970x @4,9 GHz, 64 GB RAM as well as a Radeon MATRIX Platinum 7970 X-Fire. Without HB, in LFR I can play WoW at the highest possible graphic settings with at least ~ 120 FPS on a 2560 * 1440 resolution. HB with Tyrael and framelock enabled causes a massive stuttering in LfR situations. It is recognizable in a 10 man LfR setting, but not as drastically as it is in LfR 25. At least TuanHAs PALADIN CR does holywise. It is not the case as playing RET. His DK CR does also not cause that kind of problems at all. I am no genius in coding at all, so I have no clue what is causing it. Long story short: Tyrael with framelock in 10man raid situations on a lower resolution like 1980 * 1020 should be no problem at all for a decent hardware setting like his.
So i tried Tyrael with framelock on 35 yesterday in ToES 10m alt raid - it's on the verge to being unplayable for me. I run the following setup: i5 3570K@4.4Ghz, GTX 670, 16gb Ram, attached are 2x 24" @ 1920x1080 displays and WoW is running on 1920x1080 on "High" settings with some stuff turned to "Good". Given that the system I have is fairly powerful, I'm wondering if the framelock is at all really viable? Am i doing something wrong?
I didn't think Tuanha utilized coding that would effect framelock feature, as is posted on page 1 and discussed awhile back. I think I remember him saying he was going to work on a framelock version, however, so I ask, Tuanha, framelock hasn't been implemented has it? I don't understand how there would be anything but a performance loss at best with framelock on.
As I said before. I have been playing the same encounters in 10HM with the very same raidsetup with both Lazyraider and Tyrael framelocked on the system stated above. Tyrael beat Lazyraider HPS and overall healing done per encounter every single time, even if TuanHA hasn't implemented the framlock stuff into the CR. @healzz Are u using both monitors for actually playing WoW? Because that would drastically increase performance hunger.
In PvE this CC is working absolutely perfect for me but once i get into a BG or Arena it will refuse to hit anything. i turned auto buff off because he was just spamming blessing of might and not attacking. Not matter what i do it just won't attack. Any help would be appreciated. thank you
as i stated, I play WoW on one screen, hence the 1920x1080 resolution. I have the other display for browsing and apps. Tyrael with framelock is taking a heavy toll on performance, basically reducing my FPS to 15-25 in 10m. I'll switch back to non-framelock since i haven't noticed any performance gain by the profile to be honest
He won't be able to help with out you posting a log. On a side note I want to see what tuanha says about framelock.
Last few update, Framelock is supported on my DPS CR (Hunter, Rogue, DK) you can enable framelock and test yourself, the performance lost is minimal. For healing CR (monk/paladin) framelock still have issue and I'm trying to optimizing code. However, just don't worry, I framelock a few important element within my CR therefore if you turn framelock off, some important framelock part still working. Well as long as we top healing and everything work as intended, why we need to bother about framelocking
Hey TuanHA. I don't know if it's been suggested yet, but in next release for protection can you let us choose how much holy power to use shield of the righteous?As well as make it use avengers shield quicker when it procs. I lose a bit of holy power because it doesnt use grand crusader proc as much as it can/should. Can you also prioritize holy power generators over things like consecration and holy wrath, etc.? I cant count how many times judgement or crusader strike or hammer of the righteous has been off cd and it uses something like consecration.very big holy power loss.
I love the profile been using it for awhile, maybe this has been answered but really dont feel like sorting through 300+ pages. I have noticed using this profile recently my ret pally runs past the mob and doesnt turn to face it, yes auto face is on. it just stands there trying to spam. I switched back to singular and i am no longer having this issue, an idea?
Just the past couple of days the CC will just kinda ... stop. It'll be goin just dandy, but just stops doing anything at all ... nothing in the screen of HB either. I looked through the logs and I can see the errors happening and I restarted it and it worked again fine for a bit then stopped again. Heres a log from one of the times (was running Kara with my hon and was too lazy to do anything myself lol). Did I mess something up in a setting or need to clean out anything? Used the DK one and it was perfect, Hunter was perfect ... looks like this and monk were the only ones that were stopping for no apparent reason. Thanks for lookin either way
Tuanha, Anychance you could add lazyboxer to the bots that your combat routine supports? I am attempting to use 2 of your combat routines together in arena 2v2 and they don't appear to work as good as they normally do when using tyrael or lazy raider. If I am mistaken please let me know. Thanks, Saif
I am experiencing the same thing whenever I enter/leave an instance. I found hitting the "Stop" button on honorbuddy and then starting it again fixes it... until you zone in/out again.