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    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by oosty, Jul 15, 2013.

    1. oosty

      oosty New Member

      Jul 15, 2013
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      Okay, I've been using BG buddy FLAWLESSLY for like 2 weeks now, running it 12+ hours a day, raking in honor. And yesterday, I looked at my bot, and I had disconnected, and had a blank HonorBuddy window, other than "Loading Tile/s" in the bottom left corner.

      When I saw this, I assumed the ONLY way to figure it out, was to watch the bot and see if this happened again. And after 1 BG, the HonorBuddy window did the same thing. Went totally blank, removing everything it previously said when the bot started up the first time, and just said "Loading Tile/s" in the bottom left again. Then my bot just sat there, went AFK, and eventually disconnected.

      I checked the forums, where someone described the same exact problem, and people working for HonorBuddy insisted they needed the log to help, but there is literally no log, and what I described is LITERALLY the entirety of the bot window. Needless to say, the OP of the thread I checked never received help after screen shotting his bot window.

      I don't have the funds to buy this bot over and over, and only have a limited time on it. (1 month). So any help as fast as possible would be awesome.
    2. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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