There are already better logic in WindWalker healing sphere: - Drop healing sphere while running to target - Drop healing sphere heal yourself - Drop healing sphere heal your partner - Drop healign sphere in urgent situtation I sometime top DPS and Heal as a WindWalker in random bg... Thank for suggestion though.
Once again I ask the Board, which is better to use the settings for my monk Mistweaver in PvE-mastering the HM mode See Grose.
Tuanha I've asked before but never got an answer, do you have any suggested 2v2 settings for mw monk? the default pvp settings make you go OOM incredibly fast
Setting is there for people adjust. No one know what your spirit, your arena comp, your style... you should find your own setting. FYI: find the most mana consuming spell and adjust it. Most mana consuming spell for Monk is Healing Sphere, Surging Mist, Soothing Mist
anyone have any experience using healing bot for heroic twin consorts?? those freaking magic stacks --- do you just manual heal?
@tuanha Are the Talent Speccs atm correct? You say "(Must have [Glyph of Mana Tea])", but in the linked Specc (PvE/PvP?) are three other major glyphs.
NO!!!the trick is disable renewing mist at 1? fase and reactivate on other fase. keep in mind that the stack is add to heal the tank.... disable healing sphere on tank, and disable cast healing sphere. Suggest for mr. mighty tuanha: is possible add "disable any healing to X player\s" on this fantastic super mega CR ??? quote!!!! discover and testing on your monk
Not quite sure what i do wrong with my brewmaster tank, but for some reason he runs to "pull range" from mobs and then he does - nothing. Just stands there on distance watching the mobs not doing anything. Sort of as if it awaits bodypull from mobs but i have a very hard time to see that it's designed that way? Singular standard works fine to pull with but not this so far. Not sure what i did wrong or so..?
I understand that, but i'm having a slight issue with that too. I assume, since i run multiboxing and therefor 5 clients at once i keep having 5 fresh logs all the time, how on earth can i find out which one is the correct? Sorry if i seem stupid but well, i kinda am when it comes to this part..
I suggest you upload all separate logs, then at least he can debug them and find the solution ^^ If they're too big, just zip them.
Hey TuanHA, I have "Spinning Crane Kick on Units(3)" checked but the monk is not using it in Windwalker. Please Advise.
Using bgbuddy sometimes it gets stuck on start because its not switching to Wise serpent stance, if i switch it manually then it starts. Have any ideea why this is happening?