Hello users of thebuddyforum! As writte above in the title I need help on how to setup my dungeonbuddy up for dungeons. I have tried to just start it but it is running into a lot of troubles. How doe's I setup it up for dungeon's proberly? Thank you in advance.
So I should do the following: 1. Dungeonbuddy (Let it load) 2. Questing (Let it load) 3. Que for dungeon manually (enter) 4. Start Or what are you saying?
I use kick's profile and watch it majority of time. I am in the same room usually playing xbox or something. But I started using dungeonbuddy for quests in instance when leveling slowed down bit. I would que. When que pops i stopped the bot. Switched it from questing to dungeon bot and once in dungeon hit start. It seems to just follow the tank and dps. Only issue I had si when i died it released to graveyard, took rez sickness, and just sat there.