WHAT.IS.UP. Hey guys, so a while ago i made alot of Rogue pickpocket profiles but i didnt give them out publicly. Here i am now though and i have one you can use ^.^ Here is the profile you guys can have for free (it is an attachment) Here is a link to the Combat routine, YOU WILL NEED THIS! Non-compliant link to CLU removed. Instructions to help you: > make sure you have 90 rogue > get CLU custom combat class routine > use questing bot with my profiles > Make sure you have burst of speed and combat spec and talent > Untick everything on settings and tools EVERYTHING and put your alts name for your mail recipient > With CLU, make sure stealth is always on and untick "USE AOE ABILITIES" > you should be good to go =) let me know if theres anything you need. Included Mailbox/repair make sure you have MoP flying
There are certain words that are filtered out by the forums and converted to * symbols. The editor is putting it into your URL. Unless your url is weird like that, then it's a mediafire issue. Your profile should be zipped up and made as an attachment on the forums. Also I can't tell what the "I have more!" message is about, but I would either re-word it or remove it as any mentioning of donation-only profiles and such is forbidden now on the forums.
But what is pickpocketing useful for, i know the insane, but this? What's the benefit, more info please .
it isnt work for me, my char is just walking around Zouchin Village and dont do anything, there are no mobs here
Yea, im guessing this profile only works if you havent done all the quests around the village....otherwise the mobs arent there.
nope ^.^ theres a phased profile i have made contact me on skype if you want it (theres alot more mobs than u think)
My rogue is just running around doing circels, and sometime once in a awhile pick pocketing :/ I am wondering if Im using the right CC? I couldnt find the CLU Combat routine so im using FTW pick pocketing made by Prox
I managed to get CLU but still doesnt work as it should :/ it does one "round" of pickpocketing and then it just stands still... What am I doing wrong?
The bot keeps mounting up to goto next hotspot and so can't pickpocket the mob since he's not stealthed. How do I get it to not use a mount? View attachment 19636 2014-04-22 12.24.txt