Everyone can donate him I have done it two times atm and more will come after i could test it. I recommend to donate him
Indeed, maybe make it a donate required bot. Donate a 1 time fee for "xx $" and then have unlimited access, including updates? Tbh, it sounds waaay better then GB2 is atm and i believe plenty of ppl would buy it. Etherway, once you release it, I will make a donation
Don't think that that works with the current forum rules unless he wants to release it on another site.
donate required = payment payment = not allowed on the buddyforums putting all trust in fpsware to stay on his way and not drift to the "profit horny" pieces of s around here. my 2 cents
Uhmm... aren't farmers looking to make a profit from their farming? I don't know if you bot for profit, but it's kind of hypocritical if you are calling programmers "profit horny pieces of s..." when they can make tools that optimize farming spending their time. However, if you don't bot for profit then I understand where you are coming from. I'll gladly pay for something that's way better than what I already use to make a profit. And I won't be calling them "profit horny pieces of shait", rather call them "people with skills that sell optimized products that bossland refuses to fix/make so I can make more profit, safer." Edit: I forgot to mention that I do know that Bossland doesn't allow the sale of such improvements at the forums. I consider the reasoning behind that pretty stupid, but whatever, it's his territory.
The routes are fucking up and sometimes it won't even loot. Orc warrior 310% Dark Pheonix Jade forest. But at this point I don't even care... tried to solve it already. Will just wait for this awesome bot to come out. While I wait I can get more 90s through questing so It's alright.
Ok, before this gets too carried away I need to clarify a few things. Farmer Joe will be free. What you have seen in the screenshots and the behaviors / actions and what I've described will all be free. I was merely broaching the topic in a "what if" scenario. The poll I suggested was merely so I could gauge interest in those that thought this botbase could be worthy of payment. Of cause, donations are different story. I am not advise to receiving donations but they are just that, donations. They are not forms of payment for access to bigger, better features. They are a financial gift to show appreciation or gratitude.
Today progress... 1 bottle of wine emptied, Fraise 1 bag of potato chips eaten, Chicken 3 movies watched, Oblivion, Superman, Dispicable Me Programming completed, yeah .... not much
Chicken flavored potato chips? I've never heard of such a thing. Next you'll be telling me that you have fish and chips. P'shaw.
Lifetime stats on one of my newest farmers [FFJ] ----------------[Lifetime Stats]---------------- [FFJ] 17 Adamantite Deposit [FFJ] 22 AFK Nap [FFJ] 140 Blacklisted Items [FFJ] 59 Briarthorn [FFJ] 34 Bruiseweed [FFJ] 211 Combat With Mobs [FFJ] 220 Copper Vein [FFJ] 23 Deaths [FFJ] 76 Dreamfoil [FFJ] 18 Dreaming Glory [FFJ] 55 Earthroot [FFJ] 134 Fel Iron Deposit [FFJ] 68 Felweed [FFJ] 57 Firebloom [FFJ] 499 Ghost Iron Deposit [FFJ] 33 Gold Vein [FFJ] 27 Golden Lotus [FFJ] 29 Golden Sansam [FFJ] 15 Grave Moss [FFJ] 455 Green Tea Leaf [FFJ] 1 Iron Deposit [FFJ] 60 Kingsblood [FFJ] 16 Liferoot [FFJ] 30 Mageroyal [FFJ] 68 Mithril Deposit [FFJ] 10 Mountain Silversage [FFJ] 6 Nightmare Vine [FFJ] 121 Peacebloom [FFJ] 1 Ragveil [FFJ] 64 Rain Poppy [FFJ] 58 Rich Ghost Iron Deposit [FFJ] 14 Sha-Touched Herb [FFJ] 97 Silkweed [FFJ] 4 Silver Vein [FFJ] 170 Silverleaf [FFJ] 185 Snow Lily [FFJ] 26 Sungrass [FFJ] 3 Terocone [FFJ] 46 Tin Vein [FFJ] 8 Trillium Vein [FFJ] 4 Truesilver Deposit [FFJ] 18 Wild Steelbloom [FFJ] ----------------[Lifetime Stats]----------------
Not yet, touch wood. This character has only been farming for about 1 week. Its recently leveling so the lifetime stats are a bit low.
As promised. Sorry its out of focus and either too dark or too bright, it was shot on an iPhone 5. [video=youtube;_xIqW-OzP5g]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xIqW-OzP5g[/video] EDIT: Farmer Joe UI coming shortly.