Hello, i would like to know if there is any way of using zen flight while leveling a monk from 85 till 90 (Pandaria), ive tried using the ability name and the spell id and nothing worked! Im using the questing bot with kick's profiles, the routine im using is singular. Thank you
I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but in Pandaria you can't fly until level 90. I'm not sure if HB will even work with Zen Flight, either. If it does, you can only use it as a ground mount since you can't fly until level 90. Technically, you should only have to type in the name of the "mount" you want, like with the Worgen ground mount 'Running Wild'. I know it works with that spell, but I'm not sure if it works with Zen Flight.
Oh my bad, i tought i could fly in pandaria as a monk before i get to level 90 with zen flight, i remember watching some video about it, but i guess it got removed.