Hey dudes, i got a RAF lvling Profile. It got an level restriction so i can only use it when my main Char is lvl 90 then he can go with my 2 RAF toons trough instances. So i want to set this lvl restriction off / lower so i can use it with my 80 Char. I only want to use this Profile to lvl my toons to 40 or so so i dont need these restriction. Profile is at the end. View attachment [QO][1-80]_raf-auto-loader.xml
Nothing in the profile you linked has a requirement to be level 90. The only logic it has at the end is that if you are 80 or higher, it stops the bot. If you want to change that, change: Code: -<If Condition="Me.Level >= 80"><CustomBehavior LogColor="SeaGreen" Text="We are level 80. Stopping the bot." File="Message"/><CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" StopBot="true"/></If> to Code: -<If Condition="Me.Level >= 91"><CustomBehavior LogColor="SeaGreen" Text="We are level 80. Stopping the bot." File="Message"/><CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" StopBot="true"/></If>
Thank you very much , ill Test it out now EDIT: tested now, it does not work... It says only bot stopped reason profile. I need to change that he thinks im lvl 90 or that i can change the needed level of 90. Here i upload a profile for you where the first does interact with maybe this could help