Hello guys, when I'm doing this on my shaman, I get stuck at the entrance of the instance. Behind the metall-door you have to click on. It clicks on it once, and the mongrel guy ( the boss ) yells that he has to warn the baron that there are intruders. After that senario my shaman aggroes the pack, runs in behind the door and casts earth shock, tobad the targets he's attacking is behind the door and they get out of line of sight, he stands there forever, I have to manually open the door for him. How can I solve this problem???
Hi Do these old profiles still work with the latest Honnorbuddy? The reason i ask is that last time i tried i just got errors so assumed they were no longer compatable but i still see people posting here thanks
hey all, im really now and i dont really understand how i use dat profile, i just got the pvp and lvl bot per my svn download... but how i can download this profile ? ever if i do it just a page with ne notes open in my web browser ? could someone help me please
works usually fine. but sometimes the bot forgets to aggro the npcs in the citadells, as a result the final gate remains closed
It doesn't complete - ends up trying to walk through the door to get to the last boss, but door isn't open.
Had 140 runs now and didnt get the mount- I hate baron rivendare. sometimes the profile is bugging but well, its doing its job. Thank you
Dunno if this will work for everyone, but i modified it a bit to work better for my warrior, i've had alot less problems.
The bots works perfectly. But one problem I have: If I reenter the dungeon my toon walks straight to the wall and the bot stops after a seconds. Thats the problem line (and I don't know how to fix it): <If Condition="Me.MapId != 329"> <CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" X="3238.13" Y="-4057.148" Z="110.4538" /> <!-- Enters instance if not already inside -->
this profile will not work for me he keeps running into the first gate and when i get him in the area where you have 2 kill the 3 bosses and the minions behind them he completely ignores them please help
Awesome work, man. Now it doesn't pull unnecessarilly every mob the bot sees. And now doesn't wait a lot of seconds for no reason. Thanks.
plz help me [UserSettings-v1287(error)] Unable to locate setting for FindVendorsAutomatically [UserSettings-v1287(warning) @line 48]: Attribute 'FindVendorsAutomatically' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it. [UserSettings-v1287(error) @line 48]: Stopping Honorbuddy. Please repair the profile!