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  • [Plugin] Rarekiller 3 RELOADED

    Discussion in 'Uncataloged' started by katzerle, May 19, 2013.

    1. OUGHT

      OUGHT New Member

      Jan 23, 2013
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      When I try to save the options, I recieve:
      What can i do to prevent this?
      UPD. Solved by myself - renamed plugin's folder to "RareKiller".

      Next issue - i'm Russian, and I cannot specify the pull-spell. It does not accepts russian letters or SpellID. How can i specify it?
    2. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Use the English Spelling ;)

      Just a little Update:
      Behavior of MoPRares look good, but I had to refine some little Things Yesturday. So I will need 2 more Days to test the new things and to select a Stun Spell and a run fast spell for every class (which is possible)
      The only Problems the Bot has, are Pandaren or Jinyu in complicated Areas. There the Point Calculation will sometimes last over 2 Seconds if he had to flee because of Spinning Crane or Rain Dance...

      I don't get, what you mean with "Please" :eek: Kellya4iel

      EDIT: Little Update:
      I will run a final test tomorrow evening and then upload the new Version. (tomorrow - not today, because my husband would be happy if I don't sit in front of the Computer till the middle of the night again, like I did in the last few days. Also I need to get some additional hours of sleep)
      The Movement for Panaria Rares is ok for the Moment, so I will upload this Version and take a break till next week. Also after changing the Movement and Point Calculation several times over several hours, the bot still needs a little bit of luck in some cases to get the kill and on Pandaren he dies very often. The Behavior is not perfect. Sometimes he calculates a little bit slow, but I don't get him to calculate the Points in some special areas faster.
      Fazit: My Toons were able to kill many of the Pandaria Rares, but not all and the higher ones only with good equipment.
    3. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      BIG Update !!!
      Note: only tested on Shaman and Priest at the Moment, because I don't have any other high level chars.
      So all other please gimme feedback !!! I need it.

      Version 4.5

      • MoP Rares are not BETA any more

      Version 4.5 BETA

      • I implemented Blingtron - THEORETICALLY - not tested yet, I will do this next week. If someone will use this let me know if it works :).
      • Implemented Footprints for Hunter also not tested but you can give it a try. Also here: let me know if it works

      Please note for the Pandaria Rares:
      The Movement is much better but not perfekt, so don't kill them with Bad Equip.
      For Hozen he needs a little bit of luck sometimes because of "Going Bananas". Especially in Caves the Bot has problems to kill them. But pulling them outside often also failes, because he lost the Aggro.
      Next: Pandaren seem to be impossible to kill. Movement seems gooc but especially in complicated Areas the Point Calculation for so a long Fleeing lasts to long to survive the Spinning Crane Kick. The Bot dies very often.

      I recomment to set the Mountdistance in HB to 100 and also to deactivate interrupt of the Combat Routine, so Rarekiller can interrupt special Spells. Also deactivate Slowfall if hunting for the Rares in Pandaria to prevent to jump in Water. I work on a quickfix of this.

      If you press the Button "Check all" on the Pandaria Settings Page the Bot will not check the Rares which I don't recommend to kill.
      And GorLak he will pull not at the Moment because for him I had to implement some special Behavior because of the wide Area in different Houses he could be. On Dak, Kal'thik and Karr he will try to clean up the area in front of the Rares first.
      For Sauroks you should use a good Combat Class which will also call possible Pets in Fight (Singular on my Shaman don't and so I get much Damage because of the Vanish Ability of the Sauroks) or use for example Heroism or something Similar
      Rarekiller will use some spells to Interrupt and Stun and he will use Fast Movement Abilitys if he had to run away. See next Post.

      Next new is: the Bot will only pull a Rare 3 times and then he will blacklist him, to prevent him dying over and over again on one Mob. MOPRares will be deactivated in the Settings. If you stop the Bot you can take a look at the Rares which he was not able to kill.

      Hopefully this was all new I implemented and I uploaded everything correct, so you can go hunting without Problems :). Its late now and I will go to bed.

      I would be very happy if I get Feedback to the Pandaria Rares:
      How many was your Toon able to kill (ilvl and class would be a nice info)? was the Movement ok in your eyes? did he died? on which rares did he has the most problems? What should I make better? (beside faster pointcalculation - there I did already what I was possible to do and if I had a new Idea to make this better, be sure I will implement it.)
      And hopefully I will get many many logfiles from you :)
    4. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Used Spells from Rarekiller:
      If I should use other Spells, please inform me. I only know Shaman and Priest Abilities.
      You can also config them in the Folder RareKiller/Config/...xml

      Spell with no casttime to pull Flying Mobs like TLPD. Will be used per default on every Mob, where it is possible:
      <Spell Class = "Priest" Name="Shadow Word: Pain" />
      <Spell Class = "Mage" Name="Fire Blast" />
      <Spell Class = "Warrior" Name="Heroic Throw" />
      <Spell Class = "Hunter" Name="Arcane Shot" />
      <Spell Class = "Rogue" Name="Sinister Strike" />
      <Spell Class = "DeathKnight" Name="Icy Touch" />
      <Spell Class = "Paladin" Name="Crusader Strike" />
      <Spell Class = "Shaman" Name="Earth Shock" />
      <Spell Class = "Warlock" Name="Corruption" />
      <Spell Class = "Druid" Name="Moonfire" />
      <Spell Class = "Monk" Name="Jab" />
      Range Spell to Pull Mobs for example in Houses:
      <Spell Class = "Priest" Name="Shadow Word: Pain" />
      <Spell Class = "Mage" Name="Frostfire Bolt" />
      <Spell Class = "Warrior" Name="Taunt" />
      <Spell Class = "Hunter" Name="Arcane Shot" />
      <Spell Class = "Rogue" Name="Throw" />
      <Spell Class = "DeathKnight" Name="Icy Touch" />
      <Spell Class = "Paladin" Name="Reckoning" />
      <Spell Class = "Shaman" Name="Lightning Bolt" />
      <Spell Class = "Warlock" Name="Corruption" />
      <Spell Class = "Druid" Name="Moonfire" />
      <Spell Class = "Monk" Name="Chi Burst" />
      To Interrupt Healing Mists of Pandaren and Torrent of Jinyu:
      <Spell Class = "Priest" Name="Silence" />
      <Spell Class = "Mage" Name="Counterspell" />
      <Spell Class = "Warrior" Name="Disrupting Shout" />
      <Spell Class = "Hunter" Name="Silencing Shot" />
      <Spell Class = "Rogue" Name="Kick" />
      <Spell Class = "DeathKnight" Name="Mind Freeze" />
      <Spell Class = "Paladin" Name="Rebuke" />
      <Spell Class = "Shaman" Name="Wind Shear" />
      <Spell Class = "Warlock" Name="Shadowfury" />
      <Spell Class = "Druid" Name="Mighty Bash" />
      <Spell Class = "Monk" Name="Spear Hand Strike" />
      To Stun Spinning Crane Kick of Pandaren or Rain Dance of Jinyu (not necessary because he will flee also):
      <Spell Class = "Priest" Name="Psychic Horror" />
      <Spell Class = "Mage" Name="no Spell available" />
      <Spell Class = "Warrior" Name="Intimidating Shout" />
      <Spell Class = "Hunter" Name="Scatter Shot" />
      <Spell Class = "Rogue" Name="Kidney Shot" />
      <Spell Class = "DeathKnight" Name="Asphyxiate" />
      <Spell Class = "DeathKnight" Name="Strangulate" />
      <Spell Class = "Paladin" Name="Hammer of Justice" />
      <Spell Class = "Shaman" Name="Capacitor Totem" />
      <Spell Class = "Warlock" Name="no Spell available" />
      <Spell Class = "Druid" Name="no Spell available" />
      <Spell Class = "Monk" Name="Paralysis" />
      To run away faster (also not necessary but makes things easier):
      <Spell Class = "Worgen" Name="Darkflight" />
      <Spell Class = "Priest" Name="Power Word: Shield" />
      <Spell Class = "Mage" Name="Blink" />
      <Spell Class = "Warrior" Name="no Spell available" />
      <Spell Class = "Hunter" Name="no Spell available" />
      <Spell Class = "Rogue" Name="Sprint" />
      <Spell Class = "DeathKnight" Name="no Spell available" />
      <Spell Class = "Paladin" Name="Speed of Light" />
      <Spell Class = "Shaman" Name="Ghost Wolf" />
      <Spell Class = "Warlock" Name="no Spell available" />
      <Spell Class = "Druid" Name="Feline Swiftness" />
      <Spell Class = "Monk" Name="Roll" />
    5. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      ATTENTIONE !!!

      Heyho everyone using my Plugin Rarekiller3

      It seems like the Slowfall-Function of HB let the toon jump in Water if you use Gatherbuddy2 together with Rarekiller (and activated Slowfall).
      The solution is simple: I will work on a Fix of this Behavior as soon as possible and till this please only activate the Slowfall Function if you really need it (for example hunt TLPD)

      I'm really sorry because of this, but I realized it last week the first time and before this nobody ever reported it to me.

      yours sincerely katzerle
    6. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Attentione, please use the newest Version I fixed several Bugs in Rarekiller3

      Version 4.6 und 4.6 BETA

      • I tested Blingtron and fixed some errors, now he works correct
      • I fixed a Bug let the Bot jump in Water with GB2
      • I refined some distances and Behavior (for example the Clear Area Behavior) which may cause issues.

      For the Moment Version 4.6 and 4.6 BETA are the same.
    7. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      The Rarekiller Wiki is also Up to Date now :)
      So I updated also the first Thread to make it well arranged
    8. Jo5er

      Jo5er New Member

      Aug 11, 2013
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      Could someone please inbox me on here on how you actually setup all the TLPD rare things? Im new to botting and have no idea what i'm doing or what I need to download, what I don't or what goes where. I would be eternally grateful =)
    9. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      I will upload a User Manual PDF tomorrow to the first Thread.
      PS: I removed the Word because of to much Personal Infos saved from Office.

      EDIT: Removed because User Manual is Uploaded in first Thread

      User Manual is then with Pictures ;)
      If you have further Questions then simply ask me :)
    10. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Uploaded User Manual :)
    11. buntcake72

      buntcake72 New Member

      Apr 13, 2012
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      Hey, what's the best way to just have this profile sit at one spot and camp? yeah I know stupid question but the TLPD spawns at four points in Storm Peaks. I want to just park him on a spot and camp. I'm thinking just RaidBot would do it.
    12. k4ne

      k4ne New Member

      Jan 28, 2011
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      Weekly maintenance: best moment to find new things to bot !! :D
      Will test this for the outland and wrath rare mobs (so sick to do it manually since these mofo don't want to show their asses :s) - Will edit after testing it. +rep of course !
    13. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      A better way is to use Grindbot and use the EmptyProfile.xml from first Post.
      Because I believe, Raidbot will not move during fight and if your toon stands with the Back to the Mob, accidently, after the Pull, he will not turn around. Also I don't know if Raidbot pulses Plugins, so maybe Rarekiller will not even work.

      To create a One Spot Plugin just fly to the Point you want and open the Developer Tools. Then click the Button create Hotspot. Close the Dveloper Window. Then open the Profile Bors Breath in first Post and replace the Hotspot with the Hotspot created in the Logwindow of HB.

      PS: You also could try the Bors Breath Camping Profile of the first Post, it is already a One-Spot-Profile.

      Yours sincerely
    14. csl5707

      csl5707 New Member

      Sep 1, 2012
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      I try rarekiller3, edit the settings click save, it says cant find the path of default pull... and wont kill the raremob
    15. Anarkyz

      Anarkyz New Member

      Sep 27, 2012
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      I have a (stupid) question.
      If the bot finds TLPD, how is it gonna kill the mob if the mob is in high air? When close to the drake he gets threat?
    16. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Sounds like the Plugin is in a wrong folder. Is the Folder structure like this:
      otherwise I need a logfile to take a look what is wrong in your case

      Quite simple:
      He will mount and fly to the dragon. Then he will cast a spell (midairs) at the dragon, I implemented instant spells like Shadow Word Pain or Earth Shock. Because of the activated "autodismount" he will dismount if he casts, the instant cast will hit and your toon will fall to ground.
      TLPD is Tagged and you hve the Aggro.

      While falling down another Part of Rarekiller will notice this and activate a Slowfall Ability, so your char will parachute to ground.
      Mages will use Slow Fall, Priests will use Levitate and for all others I implemented Snowfall Lager as default Slowfall Abilitys. But the Slowfall ability is also configurable so you can let him use (for example) a Cloak or other Spells or Items you think they will prevent your toon from falling to death.

      I personally prefer camping in Bors Breath, because there you have 4 of 5 Spawnpoints in Sight and there the ground is not far enough away to lose the aggro while parachuting to ground.
    17. Biggie123

      Biggie123 New Member

      Feb 20, 2012
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      Which profile should I use to farm MoP rares?
    18. Jo5er

      Jo5er New Member

      Aug 11, 2013
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      Use Gather Buddy 2 as your bot, and use bor's breath as the profile. Flying is good, but being realistic you need to camp. Don't expect it overnight. It took me 1 week 24/7 days a week. I killed Vygrosa 15-17 times, and saw TLPD dead 4-5 times. One morning I woke up, WoW had exited (as per Tony's optional setting) and had it in my bags.
    19. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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    20. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Uploaded new Version 4.7:
      === Rare Mob Killer - Plugin - Version 4.7 und 4.7 BETA ===
      * BETA and Normal Versions are the same for the Moment.
      * fixed a Bug with Pandaren, now the Chance to kill them is a little bit better (not working perfekt, but much better)

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