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  • 72h suspension using GB (with random profiles)

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by klausD, Aug 8, 2013.

    1. klausD

      klausD New Member

      Sep 17, 2012
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      1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?
      Gatherbuddy only

      2)If so, when was the last time?:
      Startet Gatherbuddy today at 11:00am and had an WoW error at 11:21am, can't login after that anymore :(

      3)What profile were you using?:
      Random profiles generated with randomBuddy.

      4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:
      Default / DK

      5)What plugins are you using?:

      6)How many hours per day did you bot for?:
      Using ARelog for 1-2 h sessions, doing a break after that for 20 min

      6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?
      I'm using a second PC to bot on, regularly looking at the monitor to see if everything works fine or somebody follows me. Also using BuddyGrowl to get messages when someone whispering me or my bot dies.

      7)How many auctions per day did you have?:
      50-70 auctions per day (herb and ore)
      If my bot gathers "too much" I put the rest on the guild bank.

      8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?

      9)Was your account involved in gold selling?

      10)EU or US realm?

      11)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?
      Paid account

      Email (in german):


      Leider m?ssen wir Sie davon in Kenntnis setzen, dass gegen Ihren Account eine Strafma?nahme verh?ngt wurde. Bitte lesen Sie weiter, um Details zu diesem Vorfall zu erfahren:

      Battle.net-Accountname: xxxxxx
      WoW-Accountname: xxxxxx

      Getroffene Ma?nahme(n): Accountsperrung (72 Stunden); Letzte Warnung

      Das Umgehen der normalen Spielmechaniken hat schwerwiegende negative Auswirkungen auf den Spielspa? anderer Spieler.

      Art des Versto?es: Ausnutzung
      Kategorie des Versto?es: Drittanbieterprogramm
      Charaktername: xxxxxx

      Wir bedauern diesen Schritt, sind jedoch ?berzeugt davon, dass er im besten Interesse der World of Warcraft-Community und der Integrit?t des Spiels liegt.
      Beachten Sie, dass dieser Vorfall bei der Festlegung etwaiger Konsequenzen f?r Ihren Account ber?cksichtigt wird, sollte er noch einmal in Verst??e gegen unsere Bestimmungen verwickelt sein. Dies kann weitere Warnungen, vor?bergehende Accountsperren oder eine vollst?ndige Schlie?ung des Accounts zur Folge haben.
      Hinweis: Nach Auslaufen der Sperre m?ssen Sie in das Spiel einloggen, um den Status Ihres Accounts in der Accountverwaltung zu aktualisieren.


      Hey everyone. So this is my first suspension ever.
      This bot account exist for a long time now (maybe 3 years?). In the past I used Pirox-Bot and HonorBuddy on this account and farmed like 3 million gold over the years and transfered it via guild bank to my main-account. I never got banned, cause I'm using my own profiles and being really careful in general.

      After 8 months of not botting I reactivated this account 10 days ago and now I'm already suspended :(
      I used random profiles generated with the randomBuddy plugin, cause I thought this would be the savest way ... but now I'm not sure about that anymore. The bot never runs for more than 2 hours without a break and doesn't look that "bottish" at all (495 gear, enchanted, doing some LFR and dungeons now and then).

      Any ideas what went wrong? Player report, automatic ban?

      I'm german, sorry for my bad english :(
    2. Aion

      Aion Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Since its manual ban, initiated from GM, I guess you were reported by someone. The usual autobans are not mentioning particular characters and servers, but only the account name and the penalty.

      Probably someone have focused on you and reported you several times or asked friends/guildies to do it.
    3. klausD

      klausD New Member

      Sep 17, 2012
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      Ok thanks.
      I also think that it was a player report, even though I never got any ingame whisper / emote / whatever.

      What should I do after the 72h suspension? I want to continue botting, but I also don't want this account to be perma banned.
      Should I wait some days and bot less after that?
      Shorter sessions with more breaks?
      I have some old selfmade profiles here that I used before my 8 month break, should I use them instead of the random profiles generated with randomBuddy? I can't find any ban reports using randomBuddy, so I'm not sure :/
    4. Exciter101

      Exciter101 Member

      Dec 12, 2011
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      Never use GB again. That?s my advice for you. Using GB is a 100% guarantee, to catch the perma bann soon! I?ve used another bot, for farming ores and herbs, the same way, I?ved used GB before.

      No suspensions, no banns! Since April 2013 (I?ve lost 2 Accounts for farming with GB2), I?ve never used GB2 again.

      In German:

      Ich w?rde Dir empfehlen, nie wieder GB zum Farmen zu benutzen. Ich habe im April 2 Accounts verloren, da ich mit GB2 gefarmt habe.

      Seit einigen Wochen teste ich einen anderen Bot. ich farme damit Erze und Kr?uter, in den MoP - Gebieten. Ich benutze einen Relogger, eigene Profile (die von HB kann man benutzen) und lasse den Bot nicht mehr als 2-3 Stunden am St?ck laufen.
      Farme auch nicht jeden Tag. Also alles beachtet, was man bei GB2 auch beachten sollte.
      Keine 72h Suspension oder einen Bann bisher bekommen.

      Wenn Du interessiert bist, schicke mir eine PN, dann nenne ich Dir den Namen des Bots. Er ist derzeit sogar noch kostenfrei.

      Greetings Exciter
    5. tifreak

      tifreak New Member

      Jun 20, 2011
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      GB Behaviour is detected! Tried another and nothing was banned.

      Developers know the thing what they must do but they ignore that and make another new bot again (neverwinter)... hb is the not lovely baby i think... most users but not so much money... because not so much money from bot they accept it that users will be banned... if u look the beahviour fly, dismount, mounting, movement flightor u will see why they can detect this stupid behaviour ... and ... devs ignore that since half year or more... i miss a lovely coded gatherbot...
    6. Exciter101

      Exciter101 Member

      Dec 12, 2011
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      PN?s sind raus.

      I sent the PM?s to all, who have contacted me.
    7. mkay1337

      mkay1337 New Member

      Apr 2, 2013
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      hey klausD,

      sorry to hear about your loss.
      tough, some info:

      -) you cought a player report and a GM Investigated your Account, everytime a GM Cheacks for Bots you'll get a 72h Ban - this record is deleted after 3 month btw
      -) rndBuddy is not detectable, I use it myself for 7 weeks now on 6 accounts, no bans
      -) honestly i dont think GB2 (core) is detected either, the only things that are detectable are public and private profiles
      -) u got one ban - jeez - take it like a man and dont complain :)

      There are Plugins at _some_ places that automatically report every player they see more than x times - it's a shame people develop such things

      If you dont want a acc be permabanned you shouldnt bot on it AT ALL
      I'd say let it cool down, ban records and penalities get deleted after 3 month

      I can only tell you how many h i do: 7-10h per day including random breaks of at least 45 minutes

      Using private/public/selfmade profiles is like asking for a ban, there are some very intersting Topics and Articles about LCP Detection, i'd recomment you read them

      well there are /some/, imho only thus get banned that get greedy, but this would happen for any other bot too
    8. Exciter101

      Exciter101 Member

      Dec 12, 2011
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      Next PN?s were sent!

      Die PN?s sind alle Beantwortet!
    9. nabber

      nabber New Member

      Apr 7, 2013
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      Exciter101, reply to me as well please!!

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