I made a fishing profile to level and train your fishing from 1-600. Fishing leveling 1-600 in Halfhill. Trainer = Ben of the Booming Voice Put the file in Honorbuddy/Bots/Professionbuddy/Profiles. Choose Professionbuddy as your botbase. Bot Config and load the profile. Junk is replaced by Golden Carps. 60 Golden Carps = 1 Ironpaw Token. Leveling your fishing skill and also farm Ironpaw Tokens Read this again. What you need for this to works : ProfessionBuddy and AutoAngler This is not an standalone file for AutoAngler. Install ProfessionBuddy in your Bots folder of HB. Install AutoAngler in your Bots folder of HB. Download the .xml file and put in in Bots/ProfessionBuddy/Profiles folder. Start HB and choose ProfessionBuddy as your BotBase. ( like you choose LazyRaider, Questing, Grind Bot .....) Don't choose AutoAngler !!!! Click on Bot Config and load the downloaded file. (it should be in the list with Profiles, if not, then you did something wrong, read again then) Save and start HB. Be sure Auto Loot is checked in your Interface Settings of WoW. PS : this plugin can be handy : Ironpaw token farming while fishing
Gets to fishing lvl 575 and bot just runs back and forth between trainer and other merchant. Very bad script. Would not suggest.
Nope. My inventory had room. The bot is good from 1-575. Once you reach 575, it gets bugged somehow and will run back and forth between the trainer and down the street. It just keeps doing it.
I am also experiencing this issue with the script, hits 575, plenty of room in the bags and the bot runs back and forth.
Instead of being annoying to the profile maker, why dont you just open the profile and see what's up?
And it took roughly 30 seconds to find the error in the profile. <If Condition="(Fishing.MaxLevel - Fishing.Level <= 25 && Fishing.MaxLevel != 525) || Me.BagsFull" IgnoreCanRun="True"> <CallSubRoutine SubRoutineName="VenderAndTrain" /> </If> The profile tells the character to go and train when he is at maxlevel minus 25 = 575. Change it to: <If Condition="(Fishing.MaxLevel - Fishing.Level <= 25 && Fishing.MaxLevel != 600) || Me.BagsFull" IgnoreCanRun="True"> <CallSubRoutine SubRoutineName="VenderAndTrain" /> </If> Seems that it was a copy paste job from a Cataclysm profile, nothing wrong with being a script kiddy. That's how everyone learns how to code, especially me since I don't know anything except reading it But, please don't be rude to someone who takes their time to produce something useful on hes free time for no monetary purpose. EDIT: The only reason the bot even trains 600 is because of the Me.bagsfull, thus if you manually vendor the bot will never train above 525 skill. View attachment Fishing1-600(HalfHill).xml
Pasterke you make very simple plugins, profiles, and CR's but one thing you always do is make sure they work! Of course all your stuff works well and I love you for that! Great job again!
Well... then i don't see the complaining well, u did let him know it had a bug at 575 but 25lvls from full ain't that bad after all
I couldn't get it to work. I runned it with PB as Botbase but it just equipped the fishing pole and then stood afk doing nothing, probable me doing something wrong. I used another fishing bot to reach 600. Thanks anyway
Hi im having a problem where everything works fine up until trying to hook the fish. He will just cast over and over with out actually attempting to hook anything. Thanks for your help in advance! *update I am having this problem with ALL fishing profiles, not just your so it may be an honorbuddy issue, not just your profile.
Yeh, I'm getting the same issue. I've had a bit of a play around but I still can't get it to work. Any updates?