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  • Buying Items from others Bannable? (Ex: Buying 9/9 Gold challenge)

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by ibanez712, Aug 12, 2013.

    1. ibanez712

      ibanez712 New Member

      Aug 1, 2013
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      So I was wandering if you could actually be banned for basically buying achievements and so forth with gold. Since to Blizzard, it seems that you are just giving away the gold.

      For Example: If you were to buy 9/9 Gold challeneges from someone who usually wants like 100k for doing so. Would you get banned for it? Since blizzard would flag all the gold being traded, and your not getting anything back but some achievements done by a group.

      Another example would be buying RBG or Arena rating.

      Buying Game time cards

      Buying Blizzard Store Items off others.

      Tell me what you think or what you've had from experience. Thanks.

      My theory here is that Blizzard will take this sale as a gold seller I believe.

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