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    Discussion in 'Buddy Wing Forum' started by blankasf4, Aug 16, 2013.

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    1. blankasf4

      blankasf4 New Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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      So I been messing with BW for over a few weeks now and I came to the conclusion this bot is trash compared to the HB for WoW. Why would you even try to make money off this bot? It's so buggy, crashes all the time, and the leveling profiles are horrible. I mean the thing doesn't even accept quest rewards, and you're trying to profit off this? I have to babysit and do something every 10min.. :mad::mad:
    2. Bishop007

      Bishop007 New Member

      Aug 1, 2013
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      If you're trying to make money off this bot, then it's probably the wrong one for you. To me, BW is a levelling bot pure and simple. The fact that it will do gathering for you is merely a bonus.

      This is strictly my opinion and if people are able to make money off of BW then well done sirs!
    3. blankasf4

      blankasf4 New Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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      How are you using this as a leveling bot? That's what I'm doing now and half the time it wont even move or gets stuck on a quest that I have to do manually. Yes I've read the stickies. I'm not saying I'm trying to profit, I'm saying how can this website profit off this bot. it's a halfass bot that you need to babysit 24/7
    4. pindleskin

      pindleskin Community Developer

      Oct 24, 2012
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      Yeah its not really good specially compared to HB/DB. Been a DB user for a long time, but never a HB user. I belive i get more $ / bot / h compared to HB/DB. Give me some numbers if you have? :)

      1-10 can be 3 hours or 10 if you have problems and if nav is not working. Usually i just click stop/start if it doesn't go forward. (this is babysitting)
      but from 10-55 there are grind profiles which work great and if the nav is working, most of the time it should be fine. But yeah it take 200+ hours to level to 55. Thats like a month if you do it 12h/day with problems.
    5. Developer

      Developer New Member

      Jul 11, 2012
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      Yeah, it's not the bot that's trash; it's the poorly programmed game for which it was created. The mess of poorly performing spaghetti code called SWToR, with its constantly changing and inconsistent memory locations and other flaws, made creation of a SWToR bot nearly impossible. If you've searched the web for other SWToR bots, you might have noticed that nothing else available comes even remotely close to BW (static pathing, unable to read power, no multiple instances/VMs, the use injected keystrokes and mouse clicks, etc). There's a reason for this.

      If you're interested in making credits from this bot, then I'd suggest using a grind profile. In real dollars, I make up the annual cost of this bot every day or two; on the conservative side, that's a 15000% return on my investment each year. I'd say that's a pretty good value for "trash". The fact that my bots have avoided any kind of ban for the past year is also a nice bonus.

      @pindleskin: I never run mine for more then 16 hours per day, often closer to 12, but my new characters generally reach level 50 within about 10-14 days using a combination of questing and grinding. A bit of manual questing does help, as do good grind locations, but I can't say for sure why yours would take so much longer.
    6. Bishop007

      Bishop007 New Member

      Aug 1, 2013
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      The only real problem i've had so far is with the nav server going down. I created my own grind profiles ( see profile thread for an example of one I threw together for Makeb ) and for instance I was able to go from level 52-54 in a few hours. I would strongly recommend using a grind profile as i'm not sure how up to date the quest profiles are and there are interaction issues with quest objects and rewards as you have stated. You can then go back and do the class quests at your leisure. If you'd like to PM me or post some of your specific issues, i'm sure we can get you to a better place.
    7. pindleskin

      pindleskin Community Developer

      Oct 24, 2012
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      Well i leveled (bot) multiple characters and it was usually a month for 1-55 for all of them. I sub at 50. I really don't see how you can get 52-54 in just a few hours (this is AFK right)? 52-54 probably takes me 24h at least. With 1 bar of rested XP (over night). Specially this is unlogical when they reach level 55 i have no problem getting 100k+/h from just grinding (no vendor, no gtn, no crew skills).

      I believe its 13 planets with 2-3 days on each of them. And if you level 1 in the daytime and 1 overnight and if nav goes down at the time i went to sleep i throw away 8 hours. If that repeats it usually then take me a month of AFK grinding to reach 50 or 55. Oh yeah Developer i only do 1-10 with questing everything else its mizzele's or my private ones. At higher levels its usually 300xp per normal mob, 600xp per strong, and 1k per elite. Bot doesn't die and has upgraded gear almost for every planet. Some profiles even include elites and i usually move to next planet 2 levels prior intended. From 30-50 i usually get 1.5-2 levels in 12h.
    8. Developer

      Developer New Member

      Jul 11, 2012
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      Questing helps a little, but I imagine the slower experience gain probably explains most of the discrepancy.
    9. Bishop007

      Bishop007 New Member

      Aug 1, 2013
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      Being a subscriber definately makes a difference in levelling speed when grinding. Just did a comparison and here are the figures:

      Level 50 Subscriber on Illum, Ravenous Lisk gives 557xp.
      Level 50 Preferred on Illum, Ravenous Lisk gives 223xp.

      Quite the difference...

      This would confirm the difference in levelling time at 2 weeks for Dev and a month for you if the ratio held true throughout levels 1-50.
    10. saltychip

      saltychip New Member

      Jan 11, 2013
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      Subscriber + 3hr Major Experience Boost = pretty fast leveling using a good grind profile.
    11. pindleskin

      pindleskin Community Developer

      Oct 24, 2012
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      You get rested XP while leaving the game in the rest area (cantina) which gives you double XP. Are you sure you are not calculating that? Its usually marked in the XP bar. I did that kind of a mistake once.
      When i measured XP with sub it was 25% more. I sub at 50 and still it takes me a week to reach 55 from 50. Sure i do it on Ilum but Makeb is really terrible, been there and i got worse results.
    12. blankasf4

      blankasf4 New Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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      I been doing some grinding profiles with the past few hours.. but the bot will just get stuck sometimes and not move at all. So I have to move it and stop/start the bot.. Any plugin I can get to prevent this? I just want to be able to afk for an hour and come back and it still be going...
    13. Developer

      Developer New Member

      Jul 11, 2012
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      It sounds like you just need a better grind profile. Also, a good combat routine helps. Which ones are you using?
    14. Bishop007

      Bishop007 New Member

      Aug 1, 2013
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      So, I wanted to get some hard numbers and here is what I came up with.

      With the same grind profile that I used to go from 52-54, I used the log start time to see how long it would take me to go from 54-55. I hit 55 after 3 hours and 55 minutes.

      The math breaks down as follows:

      853135 total xp to level from 54-55 works out to approximately 217821 xp per hour.

      * Note - This was run with no rested xp and the 10% bonus from my guild.
    15. Aevitas

      Aevitas Well-Known Member Staff Member Buddy Core Dev

      Mar 2, 2010
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      I just want to drop into this conversation for a little to explain why BuddyWing has some of the issues it has. First off, the default combat routine isn't very good. There's better ones out in the form of PureSWTOR and Walter's routines, which will greatly improve your experience and your character's performance in general.

      Secondly, the game is a mess, as someone else already mentioned. It's constantly moving stuff in memory which was a roadblock at first when creating this bot. We did manage to get it all working in the end, but there's the occasional quirk. For example, when you change zone, HeroEngine decides it's a good idea to move all the data it just used for the previous zone to a completely different location in memory for the new zone. That's why we're forced to reload everything, Dom manager, Gom manager and the works every time you change zones (when you see the loading screen essentially). It works, but it's a little prone to error.
    16. dorado82

      dorado82 Member

      Jun 17, 2013
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      BW is worth every cent. Of course it s not perfect but it is 100 times better than anything else available for the reasons Developer stated before. This bot has a learning curve but it is very customizable in terms what you can get done once you get into Profile writing or even Routine writing/editing.
      It s not a bot for lazy people who don t want to look at a setting even or check FAQs.
      Calling it trash because you re holding it up to the standard of HB which is probably the most advanced bot for any game out there with years of development is not really fair.
    17. Kubrick2013

      Kubrick2013 New Member

      Jun 30, 2013
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      I have to agree BW is very frustrating and rarely ever works. I have followed all guides and setup exactly. It's a hit or miss. 1 day it will work then 3-5 days it won't. like today it will load profile np but won't do shit just sits around like a fucking moron rather then doing BH dailies. really pissed off at the purchase of buying.
    18. saltychip

      saltychip New Member

      Jan 11, 2013
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      just hold tight buddy the nav server is down thats why the bot isnt moving. Happens fairly often so bookmark these forums
    19. Manolitox

      Manolitox New Member

      Jan 1, 2013
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      I don't understand how people would talk this bot down so much...works great as it is and we have to thank JOE,WALTER,ALLTUREIST,AMA,Kicks for their work. This bot is actually quite nice and stable in his current state. I just leveled from 52-55 in a few hours with a grind profile on Makeb...
    20. Oodaloop

      Oodaloop New Member

      Aug 16, 2012
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      I agree around the board with everything being said both negative and positive. There isnt anything like BW out there and it does work, maybe not all the time but I have leveled 4 characters with it. My concern is the future, will it get better? Will profiles be updated? Will mounts work (look pretty obvious running around out there) I have been with SWTOR and this Bot from the beginning and i dont plan to leave just would like to see some improvements. But hey I am not going anywhere so I will take what I can get. Thanks for all the support and keep it up, i know it can be a pain.
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