Mornign All. Im really struggling finding a good dps frost DK CC that does massive single target damage. Ilvl is currently 534 and using simcraft it should be in excess of 150k dps. I have tried Singular, Pure rotation and ThunaDK and all average around the 80k mark. Closest i got was blowing everything, buffs and then it still averaged around the 95k mark which is stil under the requirement. The problem person is Hexos, nothing will generate the DPS output to get him down. If i need to donate for a decent CC then thats what ill do. Any help greatly apreciated. Cheers
Use Lazyraider with TuanDK and dont forget to disable the Framlock support if your using TuanHA CC. With lazyraider with a 480 Frost DW DK I pull about 100k
and u sure u know how to read/handle simulationcraft? apart from this ... mine (frost dw dk 517) pulls 105k average with pure and using CDs