I hope that i can post a link to other forum This is guide, how to lvl up from 85 to 90 lvl very fast with nice profit: And I'm asking you guys - can someone make profile that will doing what is in this guide? Thanks in advance ;P
Someone already made the profile =p http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...128263-quest-n85-master-pandaren-cooking.html
Oh... I used this profile for short time, but it was on 90 lvl. I'm just wondering that if I will buy mats, if that profile will keep turning quest Anyway, thanks for the reply
I would be very interested in someone creating a profile to do this. I will pay to have it written, please contact me. I want to be able to use a 90 to drop my 85 toon off at the quest hub and i will buy all the mats and just rinse and repeat 4000+ times. Thanks!
It takes 4000 turn ins to level ?? where are you supposed to get 4000 stacks of this stuff lol auction house barely has 1 stack of each in
I'd be interested to see the full list of matts needed from 85-90. I mean is a stack of 20 1 turn in? So it would be what 4000X20=80000 Just curious.
Also, don't you have to have higher cooking or tillers rep to turn in? one of my 90 toons don't even have the blue question mark to turn in the bundles of groceries....
After being a skeptic, this is very viable. I sent my buddy who just got back into the game hundreds upon hundreds of stacks of meat, and he used it to get from the start of 89 all the way to 4 bubbles away from 90
Although this can be a way to get some extra XP I wouldn't try this as the only method of getting from 85-90. The process is called the Ironpaw Shuffle because you shuffle food into Ironpaw tokens. You can find exact cost and profit potential by going to Undermine Journal. You can typically pick up 20x meat for ~20G (sometimes cheaper) and flip the 100 Year Soy Sauce or other items for 40G or more. How quickly you can level depends on how much profit you want and how much supply (of meat) and demand (of tokens) is on your server. You will run out of profitable meat to buy before you get very far and you will run out of buyers way before you run out of meat to buy typically. If you are only concerned with free XP and have an endless supply of gold then you can technically buy meat, convert to tokens, convert tokens to meat and repeat. You lose 75% of the meat that way, but would add to your XP gains. If you want free XP from 85-90 and want to make a profit and not sit on thousands of gold of inventory that will be worthless with the next expansion then I'd plan to take your time. Each turn in is ~25K xp.
Well, i guess you gonna use honorbuddy for this, so why not make it farm the mats for you aswell. As you can almost turn anything in for a bundle of grocery, its eays to create some grinding profiles for the different types of food. Also easy to build in a fishing portion in a remote place, as every fish you catch in pandaria open water can be turned in. Just find a remote spot somewhere above kun'lai where there is no quest hub and no one will ever see you fish for an entire day.