Hi Again I have already tried using AutoAngler2, during my testing after a while the pools stopped spawning. I will look again into this once I have finished the this release, then I will have time to fine-tune
I thought this would be an do it all type of profile but I still have to know which quests etc to pick up? This profile just farms some of the meat for you? I tried starting it by loading [PB] Master of Pandaren Cooking profile in questing mode but then if gives me: Changing current profile to level 0 - 2147483647 Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order! Bot Stopped! Reason: Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order! So that doesn't do anything for me. When I start [QO][N85+] Master of Pandaren Cooking Achievement (Part 1) it says "Sit back and relax and ill do all the work" but instead it goes west of Halfhill argos some mobs while it runs around and then nothing. It has a really weird run pattern like it clicks a few yards in front then a few yards to the back of the char so the char makes weird loops. It also ignores both the stags that walk there and the foxes. Am I missing something important? edit: [PB] Level Cooking 0 to 525 (Pandaria) also does nothing.
Hi Archolm & killthenoise131, sorry I've not replied sooner, Ive been testing these profiles over and over again fixing very large issues. [PB] = Profession Buddy. I had to change a few things once I noticed that training professions is extremely difficult for me to code in Quest Bot. The profile does ignore stags & foxes as they do not drop any of the required materials for this cooking achievement. As to just running about without a log it's hard for me to say what the problem is. But for test purposes use singular as your CC, see if it does the same. I still have to write a loader for these smaller profiles to get everything running seamlessly, sorry for any delays as I have said I'm still learning to write profiles
Is it only me having a problem where the bot tries to pick up a quest from "Jian ???" and never succeeds cause he doesn't have a quest? Or maybe I already completed it? Is there any way to skip this?
Hi Troelsen, It's written in such a way not to even attempt to pickup a quest if it is completed. It's hard to say what the problem is without a log please attach one Edit: Ignore that, seems I took a few shortcuts so am now rectifying this right now
Hi elderapo Not sure where you get that figure from Sure I have tested it on a lvl 90 toon with 525 cooking, in fact what ever skill you are between 525 and 600
Hi csl5707 & rowfar, Sorry guys I had a bit of an issue updating TortoiseSVN, so I have created a new repository . Please check on the 1st page for the updated SVN link. [HR][/HR] Here's an update for all who are following this thread, as you might have noticed I made some big mistakes. Hopefully these have not impacted your botting to much. I am still fine-tuning and want this to be a hassle free and totally afk experience for you all Also thanks for all the likes & rep guys it makes me want to give you more, feel free to buy me a drink just click the link below
ima dummy and my bot wont loot the dang birds. im sure its just a tic box somewhere. ive got 'loot mobs' checked. any ideas? <--doesnt need a log does it? i made a grind profile to farm the birds and it worked fine. farmed for a bit and lost interest. felt like i was in the same spot with 2 other farmers.
Hi frosticus, I had the same issues when running CC's other than singular, so I now do all my testing using it. Also plug-ins that take control of movement like CombatLooter or ObjectGatherer (these are great plug-ins) can cause the bot to mis-behave sometimes.
best location for Wildfowl Breast; fast respawn; look there Code: <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Farm Area" X="-1583.865" Y="-129.171" Z="41.20226" /> <CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" /> <SetGrindArea> <GrindArea> <Factions>14</Factions> <TargetMinLevel>85</TargetMinLevel> <TargetMaxLevel>90</TargetMaxLevel> <MaxDistance>100</MaxDistance> <Hotspots> <Hotspot X="-1609.489" Y="-88.14673" Z="42.72467" /> <Hotspot X="-1597.532" Y="-26.30267" Z="43.77754" /> </Hotspots> <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Farm Area" X="-1603.071" Y="-66.01895" Z="44.6615" /> </GrindArea> </SetGrindArea> <GrindTo Condition="(GetItemCount(74839) >= 60)" GoalText="Farming" />
Part 2 are bugged. It does not work from the start, does not show any errors. EDIT: I found the error in part 2. When you hit the reef octopus, immediately stop working. After removing it, everything is back to normal.