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  • Need advise on my method of botting and selling gold

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by jenblen, Jan 19, 2013.

    1. jenblen

      jenblen New Member

      Jan 25, 2012
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      Ok so I have recently decided to start selling gold. I was selling to a Chinese site apparently. They were buying at $.4 per 1k gold. That gave me enough to reopen my twink account so now I sell my gold on that account instead of my main. I know its risky but I do bot on my main account to get matts to sell on ah. I put all the matts that im going to sell into the guild bank and then get on my twink and withdraw and sell. (the tab i put the matts in can not be viewed by anyone other than me and a few fellow botters. Rest of the guild is in the dark on that tab) So I am no longer selling anything on my main just botting. I sell matts between many toons on that twink account and never flood the Ah. I've found a few private buyers and never sell a lot to them. I dont want it to be known that i'm a botter. I do watch my bot I'd say about 90% of the time maybe more. I stop often talk in guild chat help guildies etc. When I stop botting I go as far as closing out of honorbuddy. All the money I make goes into an alt bank of mine and only withdraw the ammount im going to sell. Now that i've got a decent amount of cash from selling on that Chinese site I have started looking for private buyers. I am also planning on opening a few more twink account so i can sell on a few different accounts.

      Ok so here is where the questions come in.

      1) My method of transferring matts to my twink account. Is that a decent way of avoiding getting banned and if not plz tell me how I should be doing it.

      2) When selling gold should I try and stick to low amounts around 10k. and how can I make it look like its more legit.

      3) I do use paypal as a method of receiving payments. I have read a lot on the forums about people getting scammed and thats one of my biggest fears. How do I prevent these private buyers of mine from scamming me.

      4) This is one question I searched for on the forums and never really found anything. If I do decide to start running multiple bots how do I go about that. I was running 2 bots on one pc plus playing on my main without the assist of a bot. If i suddenly get scanned are all of those accounts going to get banned even the one that wasnt botting. Should I be running these bots on a different computer?

      I know I sound like a total noob here I've been do a ton of research on botting as safely as you can. and well it seems like some of the things I do are smart like watching my toons while botting and taking breaks I just need your opinions on the rest of this.
    2. Teveel

      Teveel Active Member

      Sep 5, 2011
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      Quite simply if you don't want to be scammed don't ever use Paypal its the biggest way of scamming people around!
    3. cg1203im

      cg1203im New Member

      Feb 17, 2012
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      my humble opinion:

      1. your way of botting:
      - more than risky! Main is botting, if i understood right. so be prepared it gets banned for using 3rd party programs. ... bot with your alt account. not main account
      - if i understand right, you sell the gold face to face.... an alt withdraws the gold you are selling... getting banned for abuse of economy pretty soon. instead invite the gold buyer to your guild, and give him permission to withdraw directly from guildbank.

      2. how much gold to sell
      - absolutely irrelevant. people get banned for selling 10k f2f same fast as 500k face to face. just a question of time. i sold 100s of k's by guildbank, never got a ban for that.

      3. getting scammed with paypal
      - i use paypal and i am satisfied with it. If people want to scam, they will scam. in paypal, by western union, wire transfer, cashcards. however. they find a way to scam. thats why i only sell to chinese brokers. they are trustworthy, even you don't get as much as selling to private buyers, at least you get your money. example:
      sell 2 times 100k to chinese for 40$ = 80$ in your pocket.
      sell 2 times 100k to private for 70$ - get scammed 1 time = only 70$ in your pocket

      4. multiaccounts on 1 computer
      - run them all on one computer. if your main never uses the bot, never is involved in gold selling, or gold laundry and gets banned. appeal, it will be unbanned. if your main is involved in any not allowed activities, be prepared to get a ban. playing on same or another pc doesn't matter
      Last edited: Jan 21, 2013
    4. skzisghost

      skzisghost New Member

      Oct 19, 2012
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      Base on my experience guild bank is overrated, u get ban once in awhile maybe slightly better than f2f. Theres never safe way of selling gold, one way round another u get banned and yea i don't believe selling gold no ban bs

      edit : base on EU, dk about US
    5. jenblen

      jenblen New Member

      Jan 25, 2012
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      cg1203im thank you for your response. Yes I know using my main is bad. I have been botting for a few years now and use to farm over night without watching my bot. Never got banned so I guess i'm lucky. I am now using an alt account that I dont really care about to farm and make my gold. I have also started selling to a different place that pays a little bit higher and they like to use the guild bank method. I've also stated using another botting method that I think is going to make the account far safer and much easier to get unbanned. My little secret I think its rather clever. But any ways i've finally reached a point where I honestly dont much care if I get banned. I am getting a little bored with the game. If my main gets banned ya it sucks but im in it for the money now. The more money I make the more accounts I am going to make and bots I will run. I want three or four bots farming and making me gold.
    6. cg1203im

      cg1203im New Member

      Feb 17, 2012
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      thats the way to go in botting... my opinion.
      get the most you can get from your bots, if there are bans, who cares, you should have earned enough already to buy 2 new accounts. and you will see, a steady income satisfies more than some purple pixels :)
    7. drogo

      drogo New Member

      Jul 12, 2012
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      Keep a vanilla mule acc that is in Guild.Make sure its never botted on/never traded with any of your toons or anyone elses/dont pay the 15$ a month for it,just leave it untouched. this way if u ever get banned u can still access your gold/items.
    8. trader2

      trader2 New Member

      Aug 20, 2013
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      Try to use moneybookers instead of paypla (no cashbacks/disputes and buyers don't need to have an account at moneybookers but can pay by credit card or bank transfer etc.) and if you want to get the most of your gold, try selling it to real gamers and not these chinese shops because they do pay less than the gold is worth because they want to sell it for the 'normal' market price. Ebay would be the place of choice if possible (in germany for example where ebay does not delete such listings) or use Account-Bay.com. The site pretty new, but was designed for selling and buying digital goods like game accounts. The have moneybookers integrated so that the buyer can pay immediately. Hope that helps.

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