Last night I installed the new version... renamed wow-64 to wow-sixtyfour and loaded the bot up, it worked great! my laptop's i7 processor is faulty and there is a new one in the mail already so i got a blue screen of death. upon recovering and getting everything back up and running i now get this... Honorbuddy v2.5.7857.658 started. Logging in... Attached to WoW with ID 3004 has been sitting there for a while saying the same thing. i have "repaired," restarted, uninstalled, restarted, installed, restarted and rebooted everything back up and i still get the same message as above. thoughts? ideas? suggestions? i started trolling looking for an answer as i quickly was reminded to not ask a stupid question when i can just search the answer out elsewhere but i have not seen this issue yet, or atleast no recently to see a solution to the problem. this morning i went here Home Page - Buddy Auth Portal to stop any session in progress as i was told and found nothing... so i treid to start it back up and got the same message but different ID# Honorbuddy v2.5.7857.658 started. Logging in... Attached to WoW with ID 3100 ...last log file attached to the thread. hopefully i did it correctly...
the only difference i get from running Direct X 9 and Direct X 11 is it says it's attached to different number in the message saying Attached to WoW with ID #