except skinning, everything works for me //edit, it seems to handle ninja skin only.. this is weird //edit?, skins now from time to time, but hangs too often, also hangs sometimes when trying to harvest
Anyone having issues with "RAF" this is the errors in my debug log: System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot read a descriptor on an invalid object. at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject.[T](UInt32 field) at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWUnit.[T]( field) at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWUnit.get_CurrentTargetGuid() at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWUnit.get_CurrentTarget() at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWUnit.get_GotTarget() at Bots.CombatAssist.CombatAssistBot..(Object ret) at TreeSharp.Decorator.CanRun(Object context) at TreeSharp.Decorator..MoveNext() at (Object ) at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..MoveNext() at (Object ) at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..MoveNext() at (Object ) at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.() Any ideas?
Did a 6 hour grinding session today in nagrand on my level 66 shaman. He stopped at level 68.1 when exit timer told him to log out. Apart from not skinning as much as before everything went wonderfully!
I've noticed HB doesnt like to work very well while wow is minimized. I went home for lunch and noticed the log for my rogue saying it tries to apply poison to my weapons and then says wont equip non heirloom items. over and over and over. both poison and equip repeat. anyhow. as soon as I maximize wow. everything seems to run smooth. yes i'm using a rogue and default profile. I'm going back to work now and leaving wow maximized. seems to be fine that way. sry no log not enough time right now but that is whats going on.
I still can't log in, constantly get the following when trying to log in. Authenticating.. [3 second pause] Authentication failed. Authenticating.. Authentication failed. Authenticating.. Authentication failed. Authenticating.. Authentication failed. Authenticating.. Authentication failed.
I literally clicked for 10 minutes and nothing changed, tried a fresh download different computer, etc... no luck
I'm having an issue with this NPC: Name = Sage Mistwalker Wowhead Id = 24186 Faction = 1922 [The Taunka] Location = <2128.309, -3281.931, 152.4375> Log: Code: [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][COLOR=darkgreen]Changing current profile to level 68 - 85 Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 24186 in database. Could not create current in quest bot![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] It might happen because this guy has a quest chain, which can be started at two NPCs..!? The first quest "Find Sage Mistwalker" starts at "Greatmother Ankha" but can't be picked up because HB isn't able to handle the required previous quests. But the chain can also be started with "The Artifacts of Steel Gate" if you pick it up directly at "Sage Mistwalker".
HB bugs out when trying to generate a path to gameobjects which can only be reached with flying mount or by jumping down a cliff. See an example in the attachement.
the attacking of any opposite factiong in booty bay or tanaris and you are dead in town. WHY is he attacking them? ski warlock and no plug ins. and this harvest thing comes and goes like crazy
If we're lucky we'll get a working version be4 patch 4.0 is launched. Even i feel embarrassed over how you can create such an amount of new bugs when fixing others. This is not a one-time event. Happens basically every time a fixed version is released. DON'T mess with new stuff until old bugs are sorted out. yeah i know i'm whining but what do you guys expect.
Lucky you. It generates the annoying loot issue here. Jumps between POI : mob <-> loot Thus just standing still trying to figur eout what to do.
Bot havests while moving-> this error message: "Moving to Type: Harvest I can't tell if we looted, blacklisting it just to be safe"