I have this issue when trying to heal NPCs like the globs in the Immerseus fight. If I target them and try to heal, it'll interrupt every spell I try to cast on them. It would be nice if it could detect the globs and other healable NPCs as heal targets and handle things automatically (maybe just if they're targeted), but failing that there needs to be some way to disable the mana saving so we can heal them. 3 out of the first 5 bosses in SoO have healable NPCs (though #5 isn't really a big part of the fight), so I can't use this one for raid healing. Works great when I'm questing though.
can confirm. latest tuanha shaman does not load or even show up on the CR list on the latest honorbuddy. was about to buy this because i used it last time. sadly not anymore
What options are there ? - SVN Upgrade ? Then the .svn files are in an old setup < 1.8 - If that does not work, update ur svn client to the latest available.
This is the #Please Read - Installation Guide.txt file inside TuanHAPaladinSpecialEdition folder. If you have time please read and do what you need to do, you will be fine.
I have downloaded a fresh installation of HB. I have installed your Shaman CC in routines. HB crashes as soon as it finishes loading. When I tried another CCs with fresh HB the HB doesnt crash. EDIT: FIXED! Thanks!
Downloaded shaman .zip release as well as paladin .zip release. There is no #Please Read - Installation Guide.txt at the start as well as after updating. and files doesnt look like said to be few posts prev.
I've just check Paladin, Shaman, Hunter, Monk .zip file in my website and all include #Please Read - Installation Guide.txt Are you sure about that? If you don't see it, please download again at my website because I'm 100% sure they are there.
I don't know if anyone else has the same issue, but when I try to load it (when I start honorbuddy), this message is what I get: After that, there's no way to start it. What's the deal? Also, what you posted on the last page is just the Special Edition, there is no installation file in the public release one.