I had the same problem. As ShortRound said before (he gave me the tip), the problem is the profiles aren't updated. What I did to solve this (at least it worked on 2 dungeons I tried) 1.- There's a folder named Dungeon Scripts on Honorbuddy folder, where you'll find the scripts for your raids/dungeon/scenarios. 2.- I created a folder under Dungeon Scripts named "Custom"; 3.- I opened the profile I wanted to use and added "using GreyMagic;" at the start of the profile/script for the raid (you will see a lot of "using" something...follow the same format). 4.- I saved the profile on the "Custom" folder I created (if you leave it on the default folder DB will update it and erase your modifications) 5.- Choose use a custom profiles folder on DB, and point it to the folder where you saved the profile (the first line on DB settings). 6.- Press start; 7.- Enjoy. Hope this helps.
I also edited the scripts and selected to use custom folder. However, I still get the 'No script found for dungeon id: xxxx"
Weird, I'm running Pinnacle of Storms right now without issues. The file attached is the one I'm using. Just in case create the custom scripts folder under the main Honorbuddy folder. I just realized that HB tries to update the whole Dungeons Scripts folder, and it deletes the "unused" scripts found there (your custom scripts will fall under that category if you press start before setting the custom folder, resulting in the deletion of your files) Hope you can work it out. Greetings.
Mein English ist zwar auch von gestern aber ich versuchs dir mal nahe zu bringen 1.- There's a folder named Dungeon Scripts on Honorbuddy folder, where you'll find the scripts for your raids/dungeon/scenarios 1.- Da ist ein Ordner der Sich Dungeon Scripts nennt in deinem Honorbuddy Ordner 2.- I created a folder under Dungeon Scripts named "Custom"; 2.- erstelle einen Ordner namens Custom in dem Ordner Dungeon Scripts 3.- I opened the profile I wanted to use and added "using GreyMagic;" at the start of the profile/script for the raid (you will see a lot of "using" something...follow the same format). 3.- ?ffne ein Profile das du benutzen m?chtest und F?ge am Anfang "using GreyMagic;" mit ein da steht noch mehr von dem "using" irgendwas 4.- I saved the profile on the "Custom" folder I created (if you leave it on the default folder DB will update it and erase your modifications) 4.- Speichere das ganze in dem Custom Ordner ab den du erstellt hast 5.- Choose use a custom profiles folder on DB, and point it to the folder where you saved the profile (the first line on DB settings). 5.- Das gespeicherte Profil ausw?hlen das du erstellt hast 6.- Press start; 6.- erkl?rt sich wohl von selbst
Don't create the folder under Dungeon Scripts, create it in your root HB folder. Also be aware, error messages will still show as Dungeon Buddy tries to load (not run) the default scripts first. Then it will load the custom script and everything will run fine. And because I'm such a kind, generous and helpful sort of person, here's my custom script folder with ALL scripts modified. Copy the contents of this into your Honorbuddy folder. Point Dungeon Buddy at this folder and let it work as before.
Quick question ShortRound, when pointing the bot to the folder do you point it to say your DBCustom folder or one of the two inside it? I am about to try this myself and while pointing it to the actual DBCustom folder you provided which is in the root HB folder. Thanks for your help!
Point it to HB\DBCustom - ignore the two folders inside, they're for my playing about with and to keep it all consistent. I hope to have a Coren Direbrew script by the weekend as well unless Highvoltz beats me to it. (hint, hint)
Wierd I started getting an HB crash when pointing to the folder with a quest/behavior/tradeskill.cs issue which I read about in another thread. don't have the log I deleted the HB install and starting fresh now.
Curious does anyone post Raid custom scripts like they do profiles? I have never really seen and was just curious. BTW thanks shortround!!