Tried with random classic dungeon, but the character just stands still at the entrance of the instance. Does this in every instance I've tried so far.
Running HB using DungeonBuddy with a custom rogue cc and just killed first boss in ToT, am now appropriately following the group going to the next section of trash without stopping the bot and doing it myself. Things are looking up! edit: This is using LFR by the way
Killed second boss a little bit ago and apparently before that I died and was running back, I thought that I was actually running back to the entrance when I tabbed back to the game and saw what my toon was doing and stopped the bot. Once I got my bearings I saw that I was indeed running back to the group after rezzing. So far so good here
You should not be using Mix Mode with questbot because questbot is not designed for that. It will have trouble resuming where it left off etc. Do you only have this issue when running Mixed Mode Dungeonbuddy + questbot?
Just entered Pinnacle of Storms as well and things seem to be operating properly after boss/trash kills. Awesome work as usual highvoltz
is it normal for the bot to twitch when standing still? it seems like it stuttering left or right I m using default combat routine
Just wanted to say I tried it on SoO part one earlier, to say I had a really lousy connection (I was on a train) it worked really well!
So SoO works well, were there issues after the second boss running with the group since there are different paths groups can take?
At Ji-Kun got a stuck error and toon started acting all squirley running back and forth twitching. Maybe a mesh error, not sure? check end of log for stuck error is that helps.
No its not, I also got this. It is like it wants to run back to the start like it did before, but movement is off. So it turns around twitching and when its turned 180 degress it stands with its back against the raid. Looks very botish Other then that it works really well now.
Other than the bot twitch the movement is fixed, at least its not running back to the start of the instance
I am experiencing this as well. The usage of a combat routine does not matter. Singular or a 3rd party routine - both will make the toon rotate clockwise or counter clockwise in "ticks" It looks really odd. This behavior is new - it was not there pre 5.4 patches. - The navigation issues are fixed btw, it stand around a little longer than it should every once in a while - but the "run back to the entry" stuff is gone. Thanks
LFR Group cleared the right way. But my toon died and when he try to go to the group he decide to go the left way, where all the mobs are still alive. Sometimes my toon doesnt go into the Cave (3. Boss) he turn around and run into the little sha monsters and die. this place, as i told in a earlier post, is really tricky to do with DB.
Is there any way to make DB go from one raid to the next in order? I selected pick best but it keeps queing for the first LFR over and over
I only had issues if the character died and ran back in. Then it would clip mobs that were skipped and die indefinitely. I've run multiple Auto Select Best Raid without issue today. It will go from the highest LFR you can queue for (highest ilvl gear rewards) and work its way backwards. It will queue for SoO first wing with this option as well. I ran at least 1 character through all 10 wings (incl. SoO first wing) without getting vote kicked once.