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  • Exilebuddy - Closed Beta (30 invites)

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Apoc, Sep 24, 2013.

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    1. Skipzer

      Skipzer New Member

      Feb 8, 2011
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      Hello there,

      I have Skype and I?m on it most nights anyway talking with friends so jumping in a new channel would be easy. I would be really excited to try this bot out, I know from experience that all of your products I have tried so far are high quality. I have 15-20 hours a day to bot consistently and I am very flexible with what you would need from a tester as far as class/build.

      Character Class: I have tried each class with a number of builds? I have also played around with trying the same build starting from multiple classes.

      Character Level: I have a large range of character levels, from newbs wielding a gnarled branch to some characters up in the 70?s with Kaom?s Heart and Face Breaker.

      General Build (melee, ranged, dual sporker, lightning arrow ranger, etc): I have played all of the classes and at least tried most of the mainstream builds, and made a few of my own experimental builds. I just enjoy this game?s simplicity and how close it is to the old D2 so if there was a type of class or build you needed me to focus on, I would enjoy switching to that class or build.

      Experience with PoE (how things work, currency values, what a 'good' item is, etc): I have played through the game countless times and have farmed plenty of hours. My wealth is spread among two accounts and many characters but at any given time I can purchase an item set for a new character fairly quickly.

      Botting Experience : My first real experience botting was with D2 and in the beginning I mainly used it as a way to keep up with friends who have more free time than I do. Since then I have tried out botting many games including almost anything from mmoviper with an emphasis on WoW, D3, and (From HonorBuddy and Demonbuddy) and EQ2.

      Thanks for this opportunity, I?m really excited to try this out.
    2. rzerox

      rzerox New Member

      Jul 25, 2011
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      Character Class Marauder
      Character Level 40
      General Build (melee, ranged, dual sporker, lightning arrow ranger, etc) Lighting Arrow Ranger
      Experience with PoE (how things work, currency values, what a 'good' item is, etc) I've been playing for quite some time
      Botting Experience I've botted Diablo 3 and WOW also RS.
    3. doomnezau

      doomnezau Member

      Sep 29, 2013
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      Character Class - Several classes, several builds, over 8 chars on different accounts lvl 80+
      Character Level - 80 + 8 chars different builds
      General Build (melee, ranged, dual sporker, lightning arrow ranger, etc) - 3 casters 2 ranged 3 melee
      Experience with PoE (how things work, currency values, what a 'good' item is, etc) - Since alpha i've been playing poe until today.
      Botting Experience - Guild wars 2 Wow D3 D2 Runescape Conquer online ( Owning vps ***s proxies, everything is needed for tests) (already botting on several games so i have access to several resources)

      Enough currency to make any custom or recommended builds from you guys. Enough currency to gear enough bots to test even group botting and so on. Locations available with less than 120 ping - Europe and Americas.

      I can provide any information any time, studied api before for several bots, botting for more than 2 years now, vast experience, having lots of experience with several games which were really strict against botters, and also i know how to avoid any ban, playing safe, able to multi bot up to 20 clients (several machines), everything backed up on ***s/proxies.
    4. Nikonfan

      Nikonfan New Member

      Oct 31, 2012
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    5. StrawHats

      StrawHats New Member

      Sep 10, 2012
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      Class: Marauder, Templar , Witch
      Played mainly Spork Totem build as it looked to be the easiest clearing method for early stage bots given the projectiles targeting are handled by the game.
      Familiar with Builds relating to these classes. Played to date with the anticipation of botting.

      Character Level: Several of varying levels including level 80+ characters

      General Build - dual sporker and melee - As well as Ice spear and variants for witch/templar

      Experience with POE - Beta Tester - Closed Beta onward. Several Hundred Hours of Playtime to date. Have performed well in races during closed beta - Have played anarchy onslaught and normal leagues. Very familiar with trending changes in currency values, current values, item values. Have sold items for U.S. Dollars as well as currency and partake in trading forums and other venues. Known within sub communities for item trading to be very proficient at pricing items. Extremely familiar with possible rolls and ilvls of items and what items that drop can roll into - be re-rolled into or whether they're worth re-rerolling, to be sold as is or trashed. Can easily determine the value of rare items from best in game to worth the time to sell, a skill ever more important in a market with statistically 10 times the amount of items that are listed for sale than are being bought.

      Botting Experience: Have botted games for a little over 15 years. From Auto-Clicking scripts in the first mmo games before the genre existed, to mission rolling scripts in Anarchy Online to early d2 bots - onto d2nt with extensive knowledge of item lists and picket lists - to League Of Legends account creation programs for rewards to using demonbuddy with several programs/bots between. I am fairly familiar with the workings of bots and scripts, the variables used and something important in the business - Detection and how to limit ones exposure, not from a data spoofing frame of mind, but what Blizzard or Funcom are looking for, How to disguise or bury actions and generally how to be passed over on detection runs (or is it luck? :p )-> As well as a knowledge of the development of detection methods - for instance the process of a company applying a bandage and how scripts are reworked to circumvent the latest fix.

      Additional Info: I have the experience, I have beta tested and offered feedback for several games before and would love the opportunity to take part and aid in the developmental process of the Buddy Teams next development. I am familiar with Advanced botting programs and economical ones, what is feasible and what might not be worth the time to implement and curtail feedback to be appropriate for the scope of Buddy Bots project. I am excited for the buddy teams release as the staffs experience suggests the release will be several times better than what competitors have currently seeded the scene with and I want to help make this the best program out there.

      I do use skype ventrillo and have a familiarity with voice over ip programs.

      Thank You for your consideration.
    6. everblue

      everblue New Member

      May 7, 2013
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      Level 69
      Lightning Arrow
      Played PoE for a few months, use d2jsp to trade
      Botting experience began years ago with d2jsp, currently use honorbuddy and demonbuddy

      Pm for Skype name
    7. darkriderkk

      darkriderkk New Member

      Aug 5, 2011
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      Character Class: Shadow(30), Templar(24)

      Character Level: 30

      General Build (melee, ranged, dual sporker, lightning arrow ranger, etc): Ranged currently on my Shadow.

      Experience with PoE (how things work, currency values, what a 'good' item is, etc): I've played Diablo 2-3 so most of it seems pretty obvious so far, some things I still may look up to double check now and then.

      Botting Experience: I have been using bots for many years, simple auto-it scripts, autoclickers, macro recorders, even WPE packets for some simple games turned into a working bot. I have been botting WoW for many years, used Glider before. Used Demonbuddy when it was released, I have also used numerous bots in Silk Road Online, runescape obviously, and a few generic mmos.

      Additional Info: I have Skype, as well as ventrillo/raidcall/ts3 etc. Have been in quite a few Closed/open game betas as well, mostly Blizzard games.
    8. Nixon233

      Nixon233 New Member

      Sep 30, 2013
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      Character Class & Levels: Shadow(50), Witch(86), Duelist(67), Duelist (69), Duelist(74), Ranger (66) - Characters are split over two accounts

      General Builds: (melee, ranged, dual sporker with RF, lightning arrow ranger, cleaver, Cyclonist, Leap slammer)

      Experience with PoE (how things work, currency values, what a 'good' item is, etc): No stranger around ARPG's. I've played diablo 1-3 and plan to go back when the expansion hits. Put over 300+ hours since the closed beta / alpha started in PoE so I do know my way around the game quite well!

      Botting Experience: If I play a game and I like it, usually I will try to bot it in some way or forum. I started botting in Diablo 2 and continued with WoW, World of Tanks, Diablo 3, Neverwinter, Currently using another bot for PoE. Majority of Products I have purchased are part of the Buddy team as I feel they set the standard for botting.

      Additional Info: I have Skype (name available on request for privacy reasons) , as well as vent/ts3. I have participated in open betas as well as closed and have posted alot of feed back for them. Currently botting in path of exile now with another program

      *Edit* I Forgot my original user name I used for this site, but this user name is the same as my BuddyAuth Log in so hopefully you can see I just haven't been sitting lurking I've been around for a while!
    9. sysexdata

      sysexdata New Member

      Dec 7, 2011
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      Skype is no problem, I have it, I'm always on it. I'm also available via mumble/vent/ts/irc as well if needed.

      Character Class - Templar/Witch/Shadow mostly

      Character Level - 75(wit)/73(temp)/66(temp)/79(shad)/69(temp)/78(shad)/66(rang)/83(temp)/80(wit)/76(wit)/85(duel)

      General Build (melee, ranged, dual sporker, lightning arrow ranger, etc) - I spend most of my time outside of work playing PoE, so I have experience playing quite a few different builds. I have played a lot of both life based, and CI based builds, but mostly CI lately.

      I have played the following builds extensively (meaning 100+ hours) CI Crit Discharger, BM Lightning Arrow, Low Life Dual Spark Totem, CI Dual Strike, CI Double Strike, Dual Elemental Hit Totem

      I have played the following builds a moderate amount (under 100 hours) - Lightning/Fire MultiTrap, CI Physical Cleave, Life based Elemental Cleave, BM Dominating Blow, CI Lightning Arrow, Low Life Freezing Pulse

      I really love playing around with new things. I am willing to test any spec/class needed to gather data, and I would probably start from level 1 on another account, which I think would be a really important part for Exilebuddy, as powerlevelling a new character to start farming would be favored to paying to respec, so the less bugs in that process the better.

      Experience with PoE (how things work, currency values, what a 'good' item is, etc) - Been playing since day 1 of OB, over 600 ex worth of sales, I know what good items are, and what is popular. I have played a wide scope of builds, both traditional and non-traditional, giving me a deep knowledge of mechanics and build interactions.

      Botting Experience - My first experience 'botting' was using the scripting system in a text based MUD from Simutronics called Gemstone III and later Gemstone IV. I created quite a bit of in depth scripts to automate the hunting, crafting, guild, and other systems. After that I used both Pirox and Honorbuddy to bot in wow for a little over 2 years, and I spent about 2 months botting with Demonbuddy and D3. I have yet to get into botting with PoE yet, as I have been eagerly awaiting a release of PoE Buddy.
    10. sparks

      sparks Active Member

      Apr 23, 2010
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      Great news.
      Can't wait for this.
      I just like messing with bots and games lol

      go go go
      I will wait for the release and get one.
    11. deadcell

      deadcell New Member

      Nov 8, 2012
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      Tnx for making POE bot.

      I've got Skype

      Other info:

      Requirements: Skype. (Our discussions will take place via Skype IM group conversations. If you do not have Skype or cannot get Skype, please do not apply.)

      Character Class: I play 2 Marauders, Duelist and Witch
      Character Level: 85, 72, 60, 50
      General Build: elemental bowman, totem sporker, infernal blow tank, fireball bloodmagic burner
      Experience with PoE: I play POE since february (OB start). I know how things work
      Botting Experience: got my demonbuddy subscription
    12. hjm12

      hjm12 New Member

      Mar 1, 2012
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      Class: Witch
      Level: 73
      Build: Necromancer
      PoE Exp: Been playing off and on about 6 months now. I have other characters of varying levels. 45 Templar, 40 Barb, and a few others. Already farming some end game with the witch.
      Botting Exp: Botted WoW for a long time via Pirox and then With a buddy bot after Pirox closed up shop. Also used your Demon Buddy for a while in D3. Made my own Pirox profiles for WoW. Haven't tried my hand at it with a Buddy bot yet.

      PM if you have any other questions.
    13. optico89

      optico89 Member

      Jul 13, 2012
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      Skype - I have skype and use it occasionally for communications with others.

      Character Class - would start off fresh from beginning to end.

      My level of commitment shows in d3, there I have 1 of each - working towards that 1k paragon
      Character Level - Barb Plvl 100, Barb plvl 100, Barb plvl 68, Wiz CM SNS plvl 73, Monk plvl 34, WD plvl 8, DH level 60 fresh.
      General Build: Melee, Ranged, CM SNS, Dual weild, 2h weild, ranged-melee( monk )

      Experience with PoE: easy to learn since the learning curve is not that hard compared to diablo and all it's mechanics ;P

      Botting Experience: The diablo series has gotten me into botting: Here's a list of games I've botted or currently bot -
      Diablo 1
      Diablo 2
      Diablo2 LOD
      Diablo 3
      World of Tanks
      Ragnarok 2
      Everquest 2
      Forsaken World
      Guild Wars
      Guild Wars 2

      Theres more but Ill spare the extended post.
      Looking forward to testing the exile bot!
    14. Soulman

      Soulman New Member

      Mar 12, 2012
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      Character Class: Ranger/Witch
      Character Level: Embarrassingly enough, both my HC characters riiiiped, and to deter myself from playing SC I banked all my items and deleted them, they were 68 (Ranger) and 71 (Witch)
      General Build (melee, ranged, dual sporker, lightning arrow ranger, etc) Witch: Dual Sporker (what else?), Ranger: RoA/Split Arrow/Traps, depended on how I wanted the play, had decent gear for each
      Experience with PoE (how things work, currency values, what a 'good' item is, etc) I've been playing since it went into buy-a-beta key mode back in January I think. I like the experience of leveling and trying out new spells and abilities, the end game and maps are fun, but the real fun is in designing new characters and rolling gear in my opinion. With that being said, I hate softcore, so when I die, I generally delete the character. After my last two deaths, which were days apart from eachother, and the highest level I'd attained, so I quit playing for about 2 months. Just started back up about a week ago and I've been trying out new things, hopped on here and saw this, would be more than happy to give a test for you guys.
      Botting Experience: I've been around since ISXWoW, during the Glider Era I was on the ppather beta testing team, after that shut down I tried out various bots, was never banned, finally went with HB once it started to blow away the competitors. I've used Demonbuddy and loved it. Unfortunately the only ban I received was from D3, but I made my money back from it.

      I very much look forward to this bot, specifically designing builds for it. I can see myself rerolling dozens of characters trying to figure out the best ones for farming. I've got dozens of character slots too, even though I rarely use more than 3 at a time. Also more bank tabs than I know what to do with.
    15. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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