One of the most effective and probably the only 100% AFKable method I've seen was back when WoWPlus existed. Natfoth created a plugin that replaced Honorbuddy's Navigation with WoWPlus' teleportation. This allowed the bot to teleport to each Archaeology node and hit it seamlessly. The only time it would actually navigate was when it detected a player nearby. All it required was a few blacklisted(known glitchy) Archaeology zones, and you were set. I leveled at least 16 characters from 80 to 85 (during Cataclysm) in no time on a 24/7 system. Didn't have to touch the bot once aside from swapping out a new character to level. Sounds like a easy way to get banned considering not only was I botting - but also teleporting across the game extremely fast hitting Archaeology nodes. But like I said, I ran these bots for 24/7 until all 16 characters were 85. 0 bans. Sticking to the topic. I'd prefer Questing over anything. DungeonBot (if ran solo) is just too risky for me even if I were to monitor it the entire time. As much as I've botted, I can spot another botter within seconds of looking at their character's actions and with DungeonBuddy's "constant close quarters" with humans -- I wouldn't take the risk. However, I have ran a 5 man DungeonBuddy group. It went pretty well... at some points. GrindBot, it's an easy solution. There's a lot of GrindBot profiles out there that can run for days without stopping, but it's just too risky. If I were to ever run a GrindBot profile, it would have to have a multi-zone randomization feature built in. But like I said, as unreliable as it can be, I'll take safety over anything. That's why I vote the Questing botbase.
Both are risky. Stick with questing and archeology. I tried pet battling recently and it's not bad either. Pain to setup imo. Sent from my Samsung Note 2 using TheBuddyForum mobile app
I'm comfortable enough with questing to leave it on while I spend a full day at work. My favourite would be 5x accts running dungeonbuddy. That's as close to 100% ive ever had Sent from my HTC_PN071 using TheBuddyForum mobile app
1-60 Kick?s profile , for me at least 100% AFKable , I put in on the morning (12:00) and next day when I wake up at (8:00) its level 58-62, depends of the class. 60-80 Hybrid quest and dungeonbuddy, maybe some bg?s if are call to arms and your faction is doing well. 80% AFKable 80-85 archeology,for me the best invent ever in botting 4 leveling, 100% afkable (if you have the blacklist propperly configured), 0 bans, and hard to track by GM?s because you don?t fly in small circles like a gb2 profile, you fly for all the whole map. 85-90 Some dungeon.. not all are afkable, questing... from now dont found really well, but can make some quest, and on the nights 6-8h of grind , the grind its afkable, and if you choose a nice zone without traffic, you usually dont take any problem (I never had one) but like all of us know, its all about lucky At 90, combine bot with manual playing for me is the best, hard for they tracking you
don't do dungeonbuddy afk.. it works good but sometimes your group will need your attention or they'll do something that your bot doesn't understand.
Maybe it's about time pet battling got the same treatment fishing and archaeology and questing got and had an actual botbase instead of a number of wacky addons and plugins
So Far my experience with questing is horrible with kicks questing profile. Everytime it hearths to crossroads to sell it gets stuck on the same item everytime. At the moment i am running 10 clients all same level. They all get stuck at that same exact point. i am using fresh install of HB with singular as CC. Only effective profile i found is botanists which is a grinding profile but still get stuck once in awhile but not nearly as much as kicks. How would i fix that issue ? Seems like some people have it and some dont. with fresh install of HB i dont see how this could be a user error. Using any specific plug ins to assist HB's navigation ? when it is stuck it doesnt seem to try to get unstuck just keeps running into the stuck item.