I have created a profile for grinding frostweave cloth in Icecrown and it only has 1 hotspot with a repair and mailbox built in. It does everything that it needs to do except for flying to it's destination. Instead, it uses a ground mount the entire time to get there and back. This causes it to take about 10 min to get from the hotspot to the mailbox and back which is a bit of downtime. Is flying supported in GrindBuddy or am I supposed to put something in my profile to make it fly? I don't know what I'm supposed to do.
Thank you, I feared that I had done something wrong. Is there a bot that I can use that will do the same thing (go to a hotspot, kill and loot mobs until bags are full, repair and mail, rinse and repeat) but with flying added in? I would rather my lvl 90 guy not look like an idiot running for 10 minutes when a human would just fly for 1 minute. [edit] - Does anyone know?