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  • [Azyul Project] Dungeon Farming, Gold Farming, Mount Farming, Transmog Farming, and more!

    Discussion in 'Farming' started by EchoTiger, Feb 26, 2013.

    1. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      Added Lawbringer Armor (Recolor) by request of Litesung.


      This profile is currently being tested extensively. Some bugs/issues are expected.
      Profile will be ran in a Heroic→Normal combination prioritizing dungeon location distance (in relation to the Outland's portal) as default.
      A 'Normal Farms Only' version is available in the Scripts folder.

      Profile currently only available on the latest SVN checkout.
    2. redmeat

      redmeat New Member

      Oct 14, 2013
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      Hello there. This is a very nice profile pack.

      I use the Grim Batol instance farm. I am level 90 BM Monk ilvl 460. It works nice, but I experience two problems:

      1. The reason it's not fully afkable is because when he dies, he always uses Spirit Healer to ressurect and thus gets 10 min ress sickness. After that, it doesn't continue, it just mounts up on ground mount and stands there. The instance is very close so I feel it shouldn't be too difficult to navigate to it, but I don't know?

      2. The reason it dies is because he fails to avoid the boss Forgemaster Throngus like 66% of the runs. And during the fight against this boss, he never moves. He just stands there and uses his abilities, which means that when the boss calls down those rocks or whatever it is, he stands and fights there in the rain of rocks, taking a lot of dmg. If this could be avoided, the run would be very simple, even at my ilvl. No other probs whatsoever.

      When he doesn't die at Forgemaster Throngus, the profile works like a charm. :) Very good job.

      - Using Singular CC
      - Starting bot outside Grim Batol
      - Using Lite Gold run

      Attached Files:

      • log1.txt
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        503.8 KB
    3. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      Yes, I'm fully aware of these current issues on the profile. As unpredictable as the Forge Master is, we cannot code a reliable avoidance navigation. As far as the death issue, I have a beta code setup that fixes this problem, however it's not ready for public release.
      Handling death can be tricky to code when you die in a dungeon.

      The Forge Master's abilities aren't that strong. The bot easily soloed him on my iLvl 420-440 testing accounts even while standing in the spells, however when he's pulled with a stray mob pack, the results are devastating.

      One thing that's -REALLY- crippling the bot's performance at the moment is the bot itself. It's having issues with tick speeds.
      The bot's reaction/processing speed is at least 60x slower than what it should be. The upcoming update addresses this, which should fix a lot of general issues with the run itself.

      I've ran the dungeon on near-nude characters to compare with the bot's performance. I was able to complete the dungeon in 16 minutes with 250(ish) iLvl whereas the bot took at least 40 minutes on a iLvl 491 Guardian Druid

      But, anyways, I'm working on combat improvements for the boss encounters. There's still a lot of work to be done. ^^
    4. redmeat

      redmeat New Member

      Oct 14, 2013
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      Alright. Yeah, if I do it manually I can specc Windwalker and do it in less than 20 minutes. Hehe :) Well I have earned some gold anyways so I'm still happy, but I'll be waiting for the beta release then and also the upcoming update for the bot.

      I have never programmed a profile or a CC so my idea is maybe bad, but: Isn't it possible to detect if a boss casts a specific spell (Raining Rocks, for example) and if so, move 5 yards to the right? I think that would solve _that_ problem. But I don't know how difficult it is to implement such a thing, or whether it would be implemented in the profile, the CC or somewhere else.

      Good profile anyhow. Thx for fast response :)
    5. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      Would've been a more detailed - faster response. But I was on mobile, I just got home a few minutes ago.

      Yea, it's possible to code something like that, quite simple actually.
      The only issue is the bot has to be initiated into it, the bot has to expect the boss to be at a specific location at a specific time in the code execution. It can't run passively.
      With this boss, he patrols around the entire ring of the room, and depending on how fast the bot runs through the dungeon, he'll be at a different (unpredictable) location every time.

      Here's an example of how it would look on a code level.

      <RunTo X="-535.7795" Y="-480.0509" Z="276.5973" />   *kill first trash mob*
      <CustomBehavior File="GetOutOfGroundEffectAndAuras" MoveAwayFromMobWithAuraId1="40177" MoveOutOfGroundEffectAuraId1="IDOfRocks" EventCompleteWhen="SpecificMobsDead" />
      <RunTo X="-478.5992" Y="-528.0516" Z="271.9075" />  *kill next trash mob*

      That CustomBehavior code would keep the bot out of the falling rocks, however the boss has to be expected at that exact moment and time in the code.
      In order for this to work in this situation, the CustomBehavior would have to be passively running at all times so when the boss does aggro, it then activates.

      There's tricky ways of getting this to work, but it'll take a lot of codesmithing and testing.

      Then again, this CustomBehavior is just the general solution.
      There's other methods that would work a lot better, and perhaps more smoothly - but at the same time would require a third-party plugin/behavior.

      This reason alone is why I didn't include it in the profile to begin with. xD
    6. redmeat

      redmeat New Member

      Oct 14, 2013
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      Hmmm... When the boss has been aggroed, regardless of where in the room it might happen, the bot could run to a specific spot in the beginning of the room, bringing all the currently aggroed mobs + the boss to that spot. That way, the position at which the boss fight will take place is no longer unpredictable. The spot at which the aggro occurs still is though. Would this help?
    7. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      No, like I said before. The bot would have to know exactly when the boss is aggroed.
      And to do this, something would have to be passively running in the background to monitor this.

      There's ways to say <While current target isn't boss, do this.> and <While target is boss, do this> but the combat routine will typically override this code if it's in combat causing all of it to be ignored until combat ends which would defeat the purpose of the code if the boss is pulled while the bot is fighting a mob pack.
      To get this to work, we would have to disable the combat routine entirely, which means I would also have to hard-code an actual "fighting" routine into the profile for every class and every pull in that area.

      The current solution(s) I could think of at the moment is:
      1)To have the bot detect the boss' location before pulling any mob in the room.
      If the boss is far enough away from a mob, then have the bot pull the boss with a ranged attack using the GetOutOfGroundEffectAndAuras behavior.
      If the boss is too close to a pack of mobs, then have it wait X amount of time until he's away from them.
      If the boss is away from a mob pack, have it kill the mob, then have it re-detect the boss' location and adjust accordingly.​
      It would take a LOT of work, and a lot of fine-tuning to get it perfect. But it could work.

      2)Code a CustomBehavior that activates before the bot enters the room, and deactivates when the bot leaves the room. Have it handle the trash mobs + boss fight with a custom setup.

      3)Figure out a way to make GetOutOfGroundEffectsAndAuras to run the entire time the bot is fighting the mobs around the ring. (Like solution number 2.)
    8. druss28

      druss28 New Member

      Oct 11, 2012
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      Hey, 1st of all thnx for such a great profile pack, I only discovered recently and am really enjoying it. I'm not sure if this is possible or not as I see blackwing lair is marked red but is it possible to make a profile that farms the trash after Broodlord Lashlayer as they instntly respawn when you stealth. I do it manually on mage mage atm and make quite a bit of gold. Just thought it would make a good gold grinding profile
    9. Dotharlol

      Dotharlol Member

      Sep 3, 2013
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      OK was running the Grim Batol Profile with two diffrent settings on my dk:

      First i was running the normal GPH mode with the dk running as Blood (fully PVPgeard).

      it took me 24:13 mins for the whole run without dieing...was like 75gold 78silver/hour

      after the normal run i changed to my Frost spec with the same gear but did the lite-pull run:
      this run took 19:27 without dieing, wich was like 85 gold 90 silver/hour

      But had 2 diffrent problems:

      1. my DK didnt add all the nonelite moobs in the first room so when he went back to reset the instance after clearing it he stoped at the moobs in this room and didnt kill them..he just stood there and did nothing

      2. sometimes after looting the moobs he targeted the dead mobs and didnt move...so i had to clear the target manual. After i cleard the target it worked fine.

      btw sry for my bad englisch

      Attached Files:

    10. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      I'll look into it.
      Thanks for the suggestion.


      Both issues that you're having are the same in relation to "the bot won't move."
      From the looks of your log, you're not using Singular, which Singular is the only Combat Routine that's reliable enough to be used while running dungeons.

      Any other combat routine can cause the character to "freeze up" and not move.
      I recommend using an un-modified/clean/updated version of Singular when running these profiles or this issue will persist unless the developer of the CombatRoutine that you're using fixes it.
    11. happyfriet

      happyfriet Active Member

      Jan 14, 2013
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      Since the new battlechest allows to go to lvl 85 - Which instance would you suggest for gold farming? ( assuming I have a 85 prot pally - think it's still the best for it )
    12. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      Not entirely familiar with a level 85's ability. But I'm sure if you have some of the iLvl 406 gear for level 80s, you could easily knife through some of the higher leveled instances.
      Maybe even the lower leveled Cataclysm dungeons.
      But gear like that would be an investment. It sells in the thousands per piece on my realm.

      At level 90, I've personally had better luck with Guardian Druids, better survivability and higher damage. You may want to compare a level 85 version with your paladin if it's an option.

      But anywho, to the question. I've ran Azjol-Nerub: Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom for profit near MoP release on level 90 monks.
      Not entirely sure on what the gold numbers were, but I do remember them being somewhat low. Decent enough for a personal profit though - depending on how long you run it.
      When I ran it, I only sold to vendors, which auctioning the cloth drops could've raised the profit a LOT more. I was just too lazy to do that though. xD

      That aside, Old Kingdom is a heavy mob-cluster humanoid instance with fairly low boss-fight times.
      The profile coded for it has been extensively tested on multiple characters. The only known issue is the bot having problems on the first boss if the bot has low DPS.

      A lot of the bosses can be skipped, which would be reason enough to make a GPH optimized run for it if you would like for me to do.
      At the moment, the only run of it is a normal/full run, not optimized for gold.
    13. happyfriet

      happyfriet Active Member

      Jan 14, 2013
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      I'll give it a shot, they say Halls of Lightning is a very nice one aswell
    14. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      Yea, I was going to edit my post to say that, but I think there's a vendor issue within the profile at the moment - so I didn't. Lol

      If you run it, tell me if you have any issues while it runs to the vendor.
      If you do, I'll see if I can hotfix it.
    15. Stranded

      Stranded New Member

      Sep 11, 2013
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    16. sekal

      sekal New Member

      Dec 30, 2012
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      Profile looks great and I tried to test it today, but there are a few problems.
      I ran DD grim batol profile with normal mode. After end of 1 run my paladin went to vendor for repair /selling but :
      1. Problem - he sold all greens but only a few blue. Like 3 of 15 blues. I'm using Mr. Item remover and I chosen to sell all green and all blue but he didnt sell all blues.
      2. after vendoring he just stops ine the camp and didnt go to instance for next run.
      If he died in instance he was ressurect on the angel but after 10 min sickness also just stop.

      Anyway the profile is very very good and you did great job :)

      Please try to fix it and It will be perfect.

      Ps. Normal mode is enough for me.

    17. sekal

      sekal New Member

      Dec 30, 2012
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      I did mistake. He didnt sell any blue. He sold only greens.
    18. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      Sorry for the delay in response. I just got home from camping/rock climbing.
      The issue should be fixed in the latest SVN update.


      This profile is coded to not sell greens/blues at all, but instead mail them if the user has a mailto set.
      The reason being: not everybody who farms wants the bot to sell greens/blues, and since the selling process isn't entirely reversible - it's better to keep it like this as default.

      However, you can change this yourself without the use of a plugin.
      If you open the profile with a notepad you will see this near the top of the code:

      These variables can easily be changed to your liking simply by changing 'False' to 'True', or 'True' to ''False'.

      Since by default, this profile is coded not to sell greens/blues, the issue you're having is the plugin.
      It seems to be selling the greens properly, but the blues - maybe it's a configuration mistake?

      Also, the death issue is already well-known. I'm working on a fix for it.
    19. Stranded

      Stranded New Member

      Sep 11, 2013
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      View attachment 5160 2013-10-17 17.48.txt
    20. Lemmi

      Lemmi New Member

      Aug 2, 2013
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      Echo, the new pathing to the vortex pinnacle works great! no more BSoD! thanks a lot!

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