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  • Botting on the Same BNet

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by tigero0, Oct 14, 2013.

    1. tigero0

      tigero0 Member

      Jan 5, 2012
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      Hey guys, I've been botting for a while, but I'm starting to think I should not bot on my main account. If I made a botting account, could it be on the same battlenet (for achievement botting)? Or do they ban people's entire battleNet?

      Also while I'm posting, anyone got any advice as far as what to bot for the most gold, and how to transfer the gold?

    2. Lokeboy

      Lokeboy Member

      Feb 13, 2010
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      I believe most people here will say that its better to have two separate battle.net's and have as little connection between your main and bot account as possible. This is what i did as well. I'm not 100% sure, but as I figured they only ban the account that's being botted on. But you might get flagged or something. Be careful and go for separated battle.net's!

      Herb/mining is good, but very risky i think. I hope the blood DK farming in instances will be good!

      As for the transfer, I bet most people will say through a guildbank.
    3. Gqpies

      Gqpies New Member

      Oct 14, 2013
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      I cannot believe that anyone puts more than one wow-account on a single battle.net account. Especially not putting your main & botting accounts on the same one - it is just asking for trouble.

      What to bot?

      This is all realm and faction specific, create yourself a level 1 bank character and park them at the auction house. You will quickly figure out what is selling well / bad e.g. sell ores or smelt them to bars? leather vs. herbs etc. I generally have more than one farmer character on my botting accounts, one herb+mining, another skinning+mining etc. So whatever the market needs (e.g. leather shortage) I can quickly take advantage of it and supply the auction house.

      How to transfer gold around?

      The safest way is to make a private guild bank.

      1. Create a guild (offer people a few G to sign your charter), once its created kick them out (kindly).

      2. Make a level 1 character on your main account the Guild Master and for example we'll call him Bob, you do this incase your botting account gets suspended you can still access the guild bank.

      3. Make a level 1 character on your botting account lets call him Steve and join your private guild, now you have a guild with two level 1 chars. You can also add your lowbie alts to this guild if you wish.

      4. Send any farmed mats to you collect to Steve and sell them at the auction house, whatever money you get put into the guild bank.

      5. When you want to take money out, login to Bob and withdraw money then send it to your main chars.
    4. tigero0

      tigero0 Member

      Jan 5, 2012
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      Thanks a lot for the replies guys, I really appreciate it!

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