ok I originally posted : After the last update if I changed targets within the Amalgam of corruption fight portal would stop working. I now amend this to it will randomly stop working when i switch targets. Here is a log from the corruption fight. I have only included the part where it actually stopped. If you need more of the log please let me know. Thanks for your help with this edit : Is this the same issue with HB that others are having? looks pretty similar within the log.
Any idea when this HB update will be released? I feel like CR is generally slower is that due to HB too? It could be my imagination.....
I posted in the HB Support forum and got this as a reply. (I had posted the same log I posted here) It seems as though it isnt a HB problem after all, but a CR problem. I could post the entire log to them, but i doubt seriously it would get any other reply. Thanks so much for all your hard work on this CR!! Obviously if I didnt want it back in action so much I wouldnt care I will await your response as to how you would wish me to proceed.
I've made a change to try and handle the error a bit better, but ultimately it IS honorbuddy which has the issue, not the CR. Portal (and Demonic) are utilising the Honorbuddy API to read/write to memory. The error is coming from Honorbuddy's memory library (GreyMagic) whilst attempting to (in this case, read) from memory. The routine does not read or write directly to memory, but via the API. Anyway, I've added a mass of checks into the code to check every aspect of the returned value - so if it's still failing I'd love to get the log files ASAP so I can take it up with the developers !
Not sure what you did, but i ran it in SOO ten man and in a dungeon and in two senarios and it ran fine. I did not have one instance in which it quit (happy face!) Thanks again for all your hard work. This cr is by far my fav!
How do you get support I made mistake on my order says complete but I don't have it yet since I typed wrong name
Why does it cast Blazing Speed even if i have turned it off, i would like to cast it myself and not when im moving (in combat)
The best configuration for raiding arcane are defaults options? I have the same problem that fire, make more dps whit PR that whit this CC version Premium and both are for the same creator
I'm not happy with fire either. I'm planning on changing it soon? Default settings are rarely best, you should always change the setup to make it run how you want it to run - i.e. different fights require it to work differently. With arcane it depends on your mana regen rate too and whether you need to use barrage more to keep your mana up.
[22/Oct/2013] - Fixed an issue with casting pre-combat abilities while mounted. - Spirit of Redemption added to do not damage list. - [Fire] Changed rotation to stop waiting for Heating Up. Was making Alter Time take too long to activate and causing an overall DPS loss.