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  • [Plugin] Battle Pet Swapper

    Discussion in 'Uncataloged' started by Andy West, Dec 15, 2012.

    1. Selium

      Selium New Member

      Aug 1, 2013
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      I got the same Problem, using "Relative" makes it work, but not very good.
    2. El Fluppe

      El Fluppe New Member

      Nov 1, 2012
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      downloaded the plugin only today and worked great for 2 hours.

      Suddenly it did not work anymore like explained in the previous posts, means:
      - not swapping pets anymore between the fight
      - trying to level with three lvl25 pets instead of one lower pet
      - ignoring my settings (like "ringer" or "ringerx2" , set favorites to "true" or "false") => all my settings are completely useless as the plugin seems to do what it wants to do ;-)
    3. B White

      B White New Member

      Aug 24, 2013
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      I noticed while leveling pets it likes to swap out each pet and level them all equally, however, with some specific pets; such as minifernal and the zandalari dinosaurs; toenibbler ect this isnt the case. Will it attempt to re-level these ones after the current ones are max level?
    4. maybe

      maybe Community Developer

      May 15, 2010
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      Andy has not been(logged in) on this forum since februari.

      Im doing a huge makeover for Pokehbuddy and i will try to implement this addon in Pokehbuddy as well. But post decent error logs so i might be able to fix the bugs!!
    5. Aikolilja

      Aikolilja New Member

      Oct 29, 2011
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      Thanks for this!
    6. Failim

      Failim New Member

      Aug 25, 2013
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      Hi, i had the same problems.
      When i was starting fights, my highest pet (ringer) was always first.
      When i checked the log, i saw that pokebuddy was checking the pets with some formulas.

      After restarting hb, i set all entries in the Advance Setting Tab to 0 (HP factor, Advantage factor...)and it seems that everything is ok now.

      You can see it in the Logs:

      [07:47:56.976 N] [PB] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Rating info~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      [07:47:56.976 N] [PB] HP 100 x 1 = 100
      [07:47:56.976 N] [PB] Advantage 000 x 1 = 0
      [07:47:56.976 N] [PB] Disadvantage -002 x 1 = -100
      [07:47:56.976 N] [PB] Level 02 x 4 x 1 = 8
      [07:47:56.976 N] [PB] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      [07:47:56.976 N] [PB] Total Rating : 8
      [07:47:56.976 N] [PB] Final Rating : 8 (after extreme low HP penalty)
      [07:47:56.976 N] [PB] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      [07:47:57.006 N] [PB] Pet Ratings - Slot 1 : -9977 Slot 2 : -100000 Slot 3 : 8
      [07:47:57.006 N] [PB] Swapping something
      [07:47:57.181 N] [PB] Have to select new one
      [07:47:57.289 N] [PB] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Rating info~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      [07:47:57.289 N] [PB] HP 015 x 1 = 15
      [07:47:57.289 N] [PB] Advantage 000 x 1 = 0
      [07:47:57.289 N] [PB] Disadvantage 000 x 1 = 0
      [07:47:57.289 N] [PB] Level 02 x 4 x 1 = 8
      [07:47:57.289 N] [PB] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      [07:47:57.289 N] [PB] Total Rating : 23
      [07:47:57.289 N] [PB] Final Rating : -9977 (after extreme low HP penalty)
      [07:47:57.289 N] [PB] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      [07:47:57.398 N] [PB] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Rating info~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      [07:47:57.398 N] [PB] HP 100 x 1 = 100
      [07:47:57.398 N] [PB] Advantage 000 x 1 = 0
      [07:47:57.398 N] [PB] Disadvantage -002 x 1 = -100
      [07:47:57.398 N] [PB] Level 02 x 4 x 1 = 8
      [07:47:57.398 N] [PB] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      [07:47:57.398 N] [PB] Total Rating : 8
      [07:47:57.398 N] [PB] Final Rating : 8 (after extreme low HP penalty)
      [07:47:57.398 N] [PB] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      [07:47:57.425 N] [PB] Pet Ratings - Slot 1 : -9977 Slot 2 : -100000 Slot 3 : 8
      [07:47:57.425 N] [PB] Swapping something

      [09:53:13.416 N] [PB] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Rating info~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      [09:53:13.416 N] [PB] HP 004 x 0 = 0
      [09:53:13.416 N] [PB] Advantage 000 x 0 = 0
      [09:53:13.416 N] [PB] Disadvantage 000 x 0 = 0
      [09:53:13.416 N] [PB] Level -13 x 4 x 0 = 0
      [09:53:13.416 N] [PB] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      [09:53:13.416 N] [PB] Total Rating : 0
      [09:53:13.416 N] [PB] Final Rating : -100000 (after extreme low HP penalty)
      [09:53:13.416 N] [PB] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      [09:53:13.519 N] [PB] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Rating info~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      [09:53:13.519 N] [PB] HP 029 x 0 = 0
      [09:53:13.519 N] [PB] Advantage 000 x 0 = 0
      [09:53:13.519 N] [PB] Disadvantage 000 x 0 = 0
      [09:53:13.519 N] [PB] Level -12 x 4 x 0 = 0
      [09:53:13.519 N] [PB] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      [09:53:13.519 N] [PB] Total Rating : 0
      [09:53:13.519 N] [PB] Final Rating : -10000 (after extreme low HP penalty)
      [09:53:13.519 N] [PB] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      [09:53:13.618 N] [PB] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Rating info~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      [09:53:13.618 N] [PB] HP 100 x 0 = 0
      [09:53:13.618 N] [PB] Advantage 000 x 0 = 0
      [09:53:13.618 N] [PB] Disadvantage 000 x 0 = 0
      [09:53:13.618 N] [PB] Level 00 x 4 x 0 = 0
      [09:53:13.618 N] [PB] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      [09:53:13.618 N] [PB] Total Rating : 0
      [09:53:13.618 N] [PB] Final Rating : 0 (after extreme low HP penalty)
      [09:53:13.618 N] [PB] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      [09:53:13.646 N] [PB] Pet Ratings - Slot 1 : -100000 Slot 2 : -110000 Slot 3 : 0

      hope this can help you
      LowKey likes this.
    7. Abyssion

      Abyssion New Member

      Mar 4, 2012
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      I don't get if the plugin does this but when im in a level 3-5 zone and I have 3 pets (1 lvl 8 and 2 pets lvl 3 and 4) I want it to use the level 3 and 4 cuz they get experience there. Yet it uses the lvl 8 each time. How can I fix this?
    8. Abyssion

      Abyssion New Member

      Mar 4, 2012
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      Is never ever swapping in a Zandalari Anklerender while leveling. It rather keeps one slot filled with a dead pet then using it. While they are all my favourites. How is this possible?
    9. jeremytyler662

      jeremytyler662 Member

      Oct 5, 2012
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      I'm guessing this has been abandoned.
    10. ordy

      ordy New Member

      Jul 17, 2010
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      thanks for sharing - i was in the same boat. i was starting with an old account and about 20 lvl 1 rares. it took one to level 6 but would keep using that pet first. meaning soon it would just be killing wild pets for no benefit at all. now it is keeping that pet as the 3rd pet and cycling thru all the rares in slots 1 and 2, getting then up 1 lvl at a time. very nice.......

    11. d0_on

      d0_on New Member

      Jan 15, 2013
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      I'm lf a puglin that swap my slot 1 pet when he reaches level 25 for 1 low level pet from my favorite list or swap for a pet from a pre-made list. I don't want swap when low health or something like that i just want swap when slot1 pet reaches level 25. Can you do someting like this? This addon can do it? if yes, how?
    12. chaoz181

      chaoz181 New Member

      Feb 28, 2012
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      this plugin dont appear in my plugin list. even with new installation via svn. but nothing works to get in the settings. any help is welcome.
    13. LowKey

      LowKey New Member

      Mar 9, 2012
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      How did you install it? Did you create a folder in your plugins, then svn to that folder? I did the same thing and couldn't figure out what I did wrong. You need to open the folder you svn to and cut the BattlePetSwapper folder and past that folder to your plugins folder.

      I'm having a bit of trouble getting it to level some pets. I had three favorites leveling just fine in Relative mode (new to pet battling again, new account really). I wanted to level three more pets so I had six all around the same level. I favorited three new pets so I had 6 favorites total. Three were lvl 8, three were lvl 1.

      I have pet area, bps, and pokehbuddy plugins installed, running profiles in GB mode since grindbot wouldn't leave my major city.

      First issue was that when I had 6 pets favorited, it would queue up two lvl 8s and a lvl 1. It would set the lvl 1 to the first pet slot, which made sense since it needed to fight. Then, it would always swap to a high lvl pet right before engage in a battle. Finally unfavorited the high lvls, but now the issue is that it will only level two of the three favorites. It refuses to swap to one pet. I have logic files for all six pets, just curious why it might not swap to one in particular.

      I hand leveled the pet in question, Frigid Frostling, to match with the other two, then started the bot. Still won't use him. It was using three pets just fine when I had three others favorited earlier. Can't figure out what the problem is. Can get a log if needed, but I thought I'd post about it real quick while answering chaoz. Also, will now search the thread to see if anyone else has this issue. Please disregard if this is a known issue.


      Failim's post for the mf-ing win!! No clue how you worked that out, but it sure did the trick!
    14. Ellidor

      Ellidor New Member

      Aug 21, 2012
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      Problems with swapping pets

      Solved I am an idiot

      Use Wild Pets = True Sorry for wasting time

      I have 19 pets that it helped me level to 25 I set my pets as my favorite and had the addon choose from my favorites. The problem that I am encountering is that when I removed the 25 pets that max leveled from my favorites and went back to zones to try to level new pets it does not swap these pets. I can enter any of the original level 25 pets and it will swap them freely but it will not swap or select from any of my favorites past these pets.

      My current configuration is Maximum Level 25
      Min Health 90%
      Min Level 12
      Only Blue Pets True
      Only Favourite Pets True
      Use Wild Pets False

      Only Favourite Ringer Pets True
      Ringer Min Health 90
    15. lollerz46

      lollerz46 New Member

      Sep 8, 2013
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      I can find the right settings, i have 3 pets at 25, i choose the ringer 2x option but everytime my lowest pet die because it wont switch with a high level one after the first attack! How can i set to avoid this??
      Great plugin btw!! :D
    16. LowKey

      LowKey New Member

      Mar 9, 2012
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      I don't remember if it is bps or pok?buddy, but in one you need to change the swap out hp % to like 90% or something. I feel like I read that somewhere once, but I could be wrong.
    17. virtual

      virtual Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Noticing swapper acting funny.
      Its not placing the level 1 pet in slot 1 and its only using the level 20+ to fight, not letting the level 1 get in for xp, or bringing the level 1 in the fight after its already started and letting it die.
    18. Muderbe

      Muderbe New Member

      Oct 28, 2013
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      I would also like to know the answer to this, i have pokebuddy, pet swapper, pet collector and pet arena plugins, im using ringer 2
      max lvl 25
      Min Health 80%
      Min Level 7
      Only Blue Pets True
      Only Favourite Pets false
      Use Wild Pets (tried it on both False and true) still same results

      any help would be appreciated, i think its something ive done in pokebuddy but unsure and have read other posts to change settings and copy other ppls settings but still the same, doesnt put low lvl pet in slot one ( out first in battle) and by the time both ringer pets r low life and swapped out for low lvl pet, there all dead and low pet doesnt get any exp, have let the bot run for a while and still same result.
      other than that it runs all fine and have got to grips with the pokebuddy spells of the pets, if i can sort out this swapping issue will make my day and fully enjoy this wonderful bot.
      any help would be helpful
    19. thedon19

      thedon19 Member

      Mar 4, 2010
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      Having a small issue on Ringer (and even on Ringer x 2). Low pet comes out, attacks, swaps out for 2nd low pet. 2nd low pet comes out, attacks, swaps out for the first low pet. I would expect the Ringer to come out at this point. Basically the lowbies swap in and out until dead.
    20. martylol

      martylol New Member

      Apr 3, 2012
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      How do I get my lowest level pet to get chosen? The bot has been going on for an hour without lvling the one that actually needs the EXP. Please help me out here. I got no pets at 25 and going on Relative mode. The pets are lvl 15,14 and 13 and marked as favorite (only use favorites).

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