going to keep a log for my records of daily activity and well, in case anyone else wants to ride along. My goal is to get 1 million gold in my self made guild from botting/ shuffling/ flipping/ whatever. Over the past 2 days I've started to ramp up my activity and have made around 110k gold. Recently purchased two more copies to bot with, bringing my bot count to 6. (7 if you count my AHer but not really.) Setup- 1 miner/herbalism gatherer 1 miner/alchemist 1 miner/jewelcrafting 1miner/ inscription 2 more bots i am leveling now are RAF and i am undecided what i should do with them. I may settle for them grinding wool cloth/greens in karasang wilds..idk yet. Starting Gold as of right now: 118k in guild. Will update as I make more gold with profits for the day. Ask me questions if you want to, and stuff. GOAL: 50k /day
Thats awesome man I cant wait to watch your progress! If possible could you go into detail of what you did during x day and what you might plan on doing y day type of thing? :3 Is the jewelcrafting actually making you much money as it goes right now? I havent looked at the profit margins and market worthiness of it in a year or so now haha
jc on my server sucks right now, its almost more profitable AND less headache to just smelt the iron ore into bars and sell the bars. Stack of iron ore= 65 g ish stack of GIO bars= 140-150g ish. im on a high pop server. very high pop. EDIT- also, ive only been able to make 3 daily cuts so far with my JCer.. thats probably why it sucks. I havent got to discover those artful v onyx cuts yet that sell for a NICE profit. Same with the yellow gems.
I'm looking to get back into some (very, compared to you) low level botting for gold but I'm after some pointers. How are you doing this? Which bot bases are you currently using?
Calling it a day as of right now (11:15 EST) AH char started with a few hundred gold for the day, now has 47,500. Not exactly the 50k i wanted but close enough. Gatherbuddy with randombuddy plugin, paranoia plugin, shutup plugin, the 2 chars i am leveling i may try and have them be item farmers for a DE profession character. Farm ghost iron ore 10-12 hours a day, do NOT leave bot on overnight or while you sleep. I am always here to watch the screen incase something happens (even gatherbuddy bots get stuck once a day and could loop for HOURS if not fixed quickly) Converty ghost iron ore into bars (for the engineering people), they ALWAYS sell quickly and you can get more for the bars then you can for individual ore. Use 3/4 for bars and the other 1/4 for prospecting for Jewelcrafting character. Use inscription to create only the shoulder enchants, glyphs are not even worth selling on my server for the materials they require. Unless I can find a very nice one not taught at a trainer
To confirm: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...dombuddy-random-generate-gather-profiles.html http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...ged/51655-plugin-parrots-paranoia-plugin.html http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...8-shutup-v2-your-honorbuddy-chat-manager.html These are the 3 plugins? It's interesting that you say to not run it over night - when this is the only time that my schedule would permit. Is that purely so you can respond to chats and being stuck?
What do you mean with a "clean account"? A new b.net account or a simple new wow account (on the same b.net account)?
you make a vanilla account, make it Guildmaster of ur botting guild.. so incase all your accounts gets banned, you'll still have acess to the gold via. the "clean" account (an account which you don't bot on - aka. blizz can't ban you for botting, but it doesn't exclude you getting banned for something.. since blizz can basically ban you for anything they want to..) Overall a nice project, i'd love to do something like this aswell.. Might set something like this up once i get my new pc up and running ^^ Best of luck!
But what if you sell gold.. that clean account gets banned.. or do you create another clean account to shift it?
since his goal isn't to sell it, i see no point in asking that question however, basically you can do the same thing.. except with more accounts... NEVER bet everything on 1 horse
two days ago I got banned on all 4 accounts sent in an appeal on every account, got all of them down to 72h... "due to circumstances involving this account" ive been banned before on wow and they NEVER went down to 72h from a perm ban.. something weird be goin on. Anyway, i've been spending a lot of time figuring out TSM and i think im going to be making most of my gold that way from now on. Gatherbuddy just isnt safe for long periods of time if you're looking to make a lot of gold. I could probably still GB for 4-5 hours a day and look normal, idk i'll have to come up with another game plan when my accounts get unbanned tomorrow edit- my level 1 guildmaster was fine though with all the gold and items on him, not banned.
Ahh I hear you loud and clear, yeah I just got an account banned the other day, got it reversed and an apology letter from an admin for their "mistake." LOL wewtwewt no consequences
If you are just botting on one faction you are missing a trick, splitting your botting accounts 50/50 alliance and horde gives you access to both markets. You can still sell the same amount of ore/herbs/leathers as you would have gathered all on one-side only. But because you're selling it across two markets you are less likely to impact prices and should sell quicker and easier. When it comes to transferring the funds over to your faction of choice, the easiest thing to do is BUY ITEMS (epic gear that sells well, meta gems etc.) on the Horde side, and then transfer them to the Alliance side where you list and sell them. By not transferring gold through the neutral auction house you avoid the huge fees.
First of all I wanted to say that I feel really sorry for you - was looking forward to see your progress how can you transfer items from alli to horde without the faction AH?