I had just bought honorbuddy and was using gatherbuddy2 to gather ore for about 2 hours and was disconnected from the game. I tried to log in and received a ban message. Checked my email and saw that blizzard perma-banned me. I appealed and got 72 hours. I honestly feel like they have some way of detecting honorbuddy at the moment because I have not even botted on that account before and I was botting on a low population realm in a low populated area (Borean tundra) for merely 2 hours and got banned? I know some of you guys might think I am lying or exaggerating about the 2 hours, but it literally was only about 2 hours. I was sitting at my computer and not afking either. I got no whispers and didn't come into contact with any other players. So, detectable? Or am I just really unlucky?
http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...orts/6336-form-gb-hb-suspension-ban-form.html Fill out a ban form if you don't mind just for info purposes. That really is bad luck after two hours botting. did you use a public profile.?
I did, that could possibly be why but I thought they might just be *****ing down on bots hard at the moment considering how a lot of people have been banned lately. Not just Honorbuddy users.
Gatherbuddy2 = assured ban, unfortunately. Blizzard seems to be tracking the way GB2 works and the DEV team does not know how to fight back this issue for months now. Don't use GB2.
yeah GB2 is a big no no.... too easy to see your botting, if you want to gather, do it yourself, honorbuddy is better for bgs using a combat bot, and not full afk even though I use afk more often then not. but gb2 is something I will never use period... all you can do is appeal and apologize tell them you will never do it again, and to take pitty on you and see if you get the 72 hour ban.