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  • Getting up-2-speed with GB2 ...

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by MulinexMan, Oct 20, 2013.

    1. MulinexMan

      MulinexMan Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Hello everyone,

      earlier this year Blizzard changed their tactics in detecting profession gathering. Back then all my 7 bot accounts were banned, I managed to get 6 back but decided to take a break anyway. Now several months have passed, GB2's functionality was limited in Germany and I guess other things might have happened which I simply missed due to my absence.

      Having received free game time on all of my bot accounts, I managed to sell my remaining gold for an pretty good price and that got my thinking of returning to botting. I looked through the forums, but didn't really learn what I hoped to learn, so I decided to open up this new topic. Basicly I'd like to ask you the following:

      Is it still as risky to bot with GB2 as it was when they implemented their server side movement-pattern-detection or have they tuned that down?
      When they started their detection method it didn't really matter if a profile was public or not or if you limited your botting time in any way. They realized you were flying a fixed path and after a few repeats you were banned - this basicly made profession gathering useless. Now I know that there are other methods of making gold, but I'm only interested in automated botting and that's why I'm so curious about the current status of GB2.

      Also I remember reading quite some discussions by well-known folks about making a new Botbase which would work without waypoints and dynamicly generate the flying paths (much as Glider back in the day as I remember correct). Did something happen in that regard? I can't find anything new in the sub forums, but before I miss it I'd like to ask here.

      And as a side-note:
      Are there any new techniques / methods of processing ores and herbs to make gold or is the most efficient method still selling raw mats on the AH?

      Thanks in advance for every constructive comment!

    2. MulinexMan

      MulinexMan Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      After poking a few other threads I found three alternate methods to simple GB2 farming:

      ATTENTION: All the information is as far as I got it - correct me if I'm wrong!

      Farmer Joe
      Made by the well known fpsware, this does exactly what I described above. You select a zone, hit start and it farms on randomly generated paths.
      Still in a closed beta phase, development was thrown back due to all of fpsware's accounts beeing banned. No soon release to be expected.

      Basicly a website and a plugin. The website randomly "generates" gathering profiles for pandaria. I'm not sure what "generates" means here, if it definately generated new paths every time or if it just switches around some coordinated. The plugin then switches the profiles every X minutes.
      No idea if it's still considered beeing in beta, but definetaly available for public use.

      Project human
      As of yet just an idea to make gathering more "human". It's in early development, so there's not much information.
      Closed beta at best, not available for public use.


      I would appreciate if you guys could add information:
      How efficient / far along / stable is it? - That's basicly is what I'd like to know. Also any other information or opinion will be helpful.



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